15 APRIL 1843, Page 20


Rye 80 to 32 22 ..23

Malting 27 .. 28 Malt, Ordinary 48 50

Fine 50 ,,52

Peas, Hog 17 .. 28

Maple .. 57 tells White se .20

Boilers 81 33 Beans, Ticks 24 .. 25 Old 55..85 Harrow 29

Oats, Feed . istoi;

Pier.. 17..19 Poland 19 .. 20 Fine 55.. St Potato 20 . 21 Fine 22 .. 24

VI'lleat,RedNew 40 ,046

Fine 46 .. 52 Old 94 .. 38 White 96 .. 49 Fine 40 .. 50 SuperfineNew42 .. 48


(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Thursday Evening.)


13,,lanos . j Australasian - Brazilian Imperial I British North American 45 Ditto (St. John del Rey) 5 Colonial - British Iron - London and Westminster 23 Cata Branca London Joint Stock 121 Candonga - National of Ireland - Cobre Copper 23 National Provincial - RsILWAYS- Provincial of Ireland 434 Cheltenham and Great Western 31 Union of Australia 334 Eastern Counties 10 Union of London 91 Grand Junction 2014 Docirs- Great Western 444 East and West India 126 Liverpool and Manchester .... - London 934 London and Brighton 354 St. Katherine 107i

Londou and Blackwell ....... 54 MISCELLANEOUS-

London and Greenwich 44 Australian Agricultural - London and Birmingham 213 British American Land 9 Loudon and Croydon - Canada -

Manche -tar and Leeds 81 General Steam 976 Midland Counties 634 New Zealand -.-

North Midland 68 Royal Mail Steam _ - South-eastern and Dover 26 South Australian - South-western 65 Van Diemen's Land - BULLION. METALS.

Gold, Foreign iu Bath ... r...r or . 31. I70. 9d. Copper, British Cakes.per toe 821.08.0d to 0 00 Old Spanish, or Pillar Do .. 0 0 0 I FOB, British_ Bars 5 2 6 - 0 00 Mexican Milan's.. ..... .... 0 4 94 Lead, British Pig 17 o 0 ..- 0 0 0 Silver in Bars. Stan.dard 0 4 Ii Steel, English 0 0 0 .- 0 em

GRAIN, Mark Lane, April 10.

HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)


s or.


BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) Saturday Monday. Tuesday. Wedaes.

- 97 97 97 97

961 97 974 97

961 ex d 964 964 964 1014 cad. 1014 1011 1014 1024 1021 1021 1021 121 ex d. 124 124 124 184 ex d. 185 184t 184 shut - -

7O pm. 69 67 67 76 pm. 79 76 76


(Last Official Quotation during he Week ending Thursday Evening.) Alabama (Sterling) 5 p. Ct. - Mexican 5 p. Ct. 6 - - Ditto (Deferred) 5 5 - Michigan 6 5 - 105 Mississippi (Sterling) 6 5 - 75 Neapolitan 5 6 - 304 New York (1855) 5 Ohio 6 884 Pennsylvania 5 244 Peruvian 6 854 Portuguese 3 564 Ditto 5 1004 Ditto (New) 5 - 83f. 25c. Russian 5 - Spanish 5 - Ditto (Passive) - Ditto (Deferred) South Carolina 5 p. Ct.

- Teunessee 6 - - United States Bank - Virginia. 5 Arkansas (1863) Austrian Belgian Brasilian Buenos Ayres Cuba 6 - Chilies' 6 - Columbian of 1824 6 - Danish 3 - Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) 24 - Ditto (Ditto) 5 - French 3 - Ditto ludiana (Sterling) Illinois Kentucky 6 - Louisiana (Sterling) 5 - Maryland 6 - Massachussetts(Sterliug)5 - 5 - 5 - 6 - 3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account ..

3 per Cents. Reduced 31 per Ceuts. Reduced New 34 per Ceuts Long Annuities

Batik Stock, 7 per cent.

India Stock, 104 Exchequer Bills, ltd. p. diem India Bonds. 34 per cen#



85 191


1134 244 Si 134 16s. 6d. Thurs.

97 974 934 101# 1021 124 184 269 67 76 BUTCHERS' MEAT.


Beef 2s. 4c1 to 8s. 2d. to 95. 6d. 2..I0d. to Its. 4d to 4s. 2d. Mutton 2 4 . 8 0 .. 3 8 3 0 .. 8 6

Veal 55.,28 .. 4 8 3 10 .. 4 6 .. 4 Ill

Pork On .. 3 8 .. 4 4 . 510 .. 4 0 .. 4 0 Lrunb 5 0 .. 0 0 .. 6 0 ... .... 5 0 .. 0 0 .. 6 0 • To sink the offal-per 8Ihs. HEAD OF CATTLE AT SMITHFIELD.

Beasts, Sheep. Calves. Piwe 172 314 2,474 24.240 75 487 Friday Monday AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN, Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wales. Wheat . 47s. 54 Rye . 260. Gd Barley 27 10 Beans .. 56 6 Oath ..... 17 8 Peas 29 0


Seconds. 35 ..- 40 .. . ......

Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 30 - 85 Norfolkand Stockton 25 -- 92 BRAN per quarter Os. to Os.

POLLARD. fine Os. to thl.

BREAD. Old. to 74d. the 41b. Loaf. 1 DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN For the present Week.

Wheat 20e. 6d I Rye Ile. eld

Barley ..... .. 9 0 Beans 11 6 I Oats 8 0 Peas ..... . 11 0


BUTTER-Best Fresh, tan. Od. per dor. Carlow, 81.4s. to 41. 8.4. per cwt. BACON, Small Old, per cwt.... 0. to 04. CHEESE. Cheshire 46s • to 74...

Derby Plain 465. to 511s. HAMS, York 650. to 74s EGGS. French... per ISO 40.3d. to 5s. ad.

Hay, Good Inferior New Clover Straw, Wheat 904 Ns 70., 90s,

75 .. 86 2 o


90 .. 113 75,100 0 .. 0 .. .. 90 .. 110 50 .. 56 46 .. 50 48 .. 54


Kent Pockets... .. ....... . ..... .... 75s. to 845.

Choice Ditto the - 120

Sussex Pockets 75 - 50

Superfine Ditto 02 - 88


York Reds.. per t. n 70s. to Ware 0 Middling 0 - Chats 0 ■.

OILS, COALS, CANDLES. Raie:41 ......... ......per cwt II. IOn. 0.4

Linseed Oil .......... . . 1 18 0 Linseed Oil Cake...... per 1000 0 0 0 C ANDLES, per dozen, 0..0d. to Os. Od. Moulds (ed. per dos.discount) Os. Oil.

COALS, Stetson 20s. ad.

Tees 20s. Od.


TEA, Balsa, fine, p.11,. 0e. 0 0.

Congou, fine ...... 7 -it 2 Sone-hong, en. 5 0 ...3 0 • In Bond-Duty 2s. Id. psr lb. COFFEE, fine (in bd) per cwt. 116s. to185s

Good Ordinary

SUGAR Mtmovado . per csiii.8518:..7IL


West India Molasses... 24...10 20a.