15 APRIL 1922, Page 15


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " 8pecraroa."] have read with interest the letter under the above heading which appeared in your issue of February 25th last, and am in entire sympathy with " Stella's Mother " in her endeavour to stimulate interest in the Infants' Hospital, Vincent Square, Westminster. Such an institution should certainly not suffer through lack of funds. Possibly your corre- spondent will be interested to know that there is at least one other infant hospital in Europe—and I suspect there are others. In Dundee there exists the Dundee Infant Hospital, for• the treatment of infants only, particularly those who are suffer- ing from nutritional disorders. This babies' hospital was opened six years ago, with accommodation for twenty babies, by a body of voluntary enthusiasts. Its value was soon proved, and in 1918 new and larger premises were given, and the accommodation thereby doubled. This institution is entirely managed by a body of voluntary directors. The Local Authority of Dundee, appreciating the good work done in this hospital, give some financial assistance, with the result that between voluntary subscriptions and the Local Authority's contribu- tions the institution is enabled to carry on its good work. There are no empty cots and empty warde.—I am, Sir, &c., W. L. Brraoess, M.D. (Medical Officer of Health. Dundee).