15 APRIL 2000, Page 27

Patriotic games

From Mr Marcus Pitcaith4) Sir: Edward Heathcoat Amory (Patriot games', 8 April) will have to live with the fact that, in the cases of the Scottish War of Independence and the Hundred Years' War, England was clearly in the wrong. He should stop complaining about this, and demand a chance to play as Alfred the Great, Edmund Ironside or Hereward the Wake — heroes comparable with Wallace and Joan.

Oh, and Joan was betrayed by the Bur- gundians, condemned by the University of Paris and burned by the English secular arm, just as Wallace was handed over for execution by the Scottish nobles. This does not make them any the less martyrs, just as Edmund was a martyr for his coun- try, although it was probably an English- man who murdered him on the Danes' behalf.

Marcus Pitcaithly

Perth, Scotland