15 AUGUST 1829, Page 3

THE KING'S BIRTH•DAY.—The anniversary of the natal day of the

King was cele- brated on Wednesday (when his Majesty attained his 67th year) with more than usual demonstrations of rejoicing. About two o'clock, his Majesty, attended by the Lord Steward of the Household, and the Lord and Groom in Waiting, went to Snow-hill to lay the foundation-stone of a statue to the memory of his father, George III. Mr.Westmacotts the sculptor chosen to execute this statue, and Mr.Tebbott, the Mayor of Windsor, were in attendance. The King addressed these gentlemen individually ; and having received from Mr. Westmacott the mallet, performed the ceremony of laying the stone, by striking it three times with the mallet, at the same time using the following cxpressiou :—" I, George the Fourth, do this in remem- brance of George the Third."

"His Majesty then turned to Mr. Westmacott, and laughing good-humouredly said--‘ Now, Westmacott, we depend upon you for the remainder. By this clay twelvemonth you say it will be finished. I know if you say so, it will be per- formed.' Mr. Westmacott bowed, and assured his Majesty, that his best endea- vours should be exerted to perfect the expectations indulged by his Majesty. His Majesty, on turning round, caught the eye of the Mayor of Windsor, Mr. Tebbott, and said, How d'ye do, Tebbott.' To several other persons resident in Windsor, his Majesty passed the same friendly inquiry. His Majesty then glanced to the ladies around him, and bowing most respectfully to them, stepped into his phaeton amid great cheering. He had scarcely taken his scat in it, when a very disconsolate, but pretty-looking young lady, with a child in her arms, ap- proached the vehicle, and with a trembling hand slipped in a sealed packet. Owing to the tremor of the young female, it nearly fell. into the road, but his Majesty prevented this with his stick, took the parcel in his hand, and the phae- ton immediately drove off. Thqlady glided away amidst the crowd."—Letter from Windsor.

' Between three and four o'clock, the Duke of Wellington arrived at the Royal Lodge, and had an audience of the King. The Duke of Devonshire followed soon after. The Duke and Duchess of Cumberland, accompanied by Prince George, arrived about five o'clock with their suite. The Duke presented the Duchess on her arrival in England from the Continent : her Royal Highness was received very kindly by the King. The company having paid their respects to the King, proceeded to Cumberland Lodge, where apartments were prepared for them, and dressed for dinner. The Duke and Duchess of Clarence arrived at the residence of the Princess Augusta, Frogmore Lodge, about twelve o'clock, from their seat in Bushy-park, and together with the Princess and the Duchess of Gloucester came to congratulate their illustrious brother, and joined the party at the Lodge. The company was also increased by the arrival of Prince Leopold, the Austrian Ambassador, and Princess Esterhazy, the Lord Chancellor, the Duke of Dorset, and the Earl of Aberdeen.

The dinner was served on the Lion service of plate. A baron of beef, weigh- ing nearly three hundred pounds, formed one of the side tables. The Earl. Of Fife and Sir Andrew Barnard were the Lord and Groom in waiting. After din nor, the King's private band were introduced into an apartment adjoining, and played till eleven o'clock.

The workmen employed at the Castle, between five and six hundred, had a holiday, a dinner, rustic games, and fireworks.

The Corporation of Windsor dined together, to celebrate the day, at the Castle inn. His Majesty presented them with two bucks for the entertainment. The town of Windsor was illuminated in the evening.

Thursday was the birth-day of the Duchess of Clarence, when her Royal Highness completed her 37th year. The Duke and Duchess of Cumberland came to Bushy-park from Cumberland Lodge, and the Princess Augusta and the Duchess of Gloucester from Frogmore Lodge, to congratulate her. In the even- ing the Duke and Duchess of Clarence gave a grand dinner to a numerous party.

THE CABINET.—Summonses were, we believe very unexpectedly, issued at a late hour on Wednesday afternoon for Ministers to attend a Cabinet Council on Thursday at twelve o'clock. Lord Bathurst, we understand, was the only mem- ber of the Cabinet absent. This somewhat hurried meeting of the Ministers has given rise to a variety of conjectures among the West-end politicians. We pur- posely abstain from repeating these rumours, but we may add that all parties agree in opinion, that the business that has called the Ministry to town is alto- gether of a domestic nature.—Standard.

The Morning Journal talks in words of mystery about a meeting between the Duke of Wellington and Sir Henry Halford. " His Grace, it is ascertained, was closeted with the great physician for upwards of half an hour."

Prince Leopold has left Claremont for Dover, to proceed to the Continent. The Russian Ambassador and the Princess Lieven came to town on Monday from Tunbridge Wells. • The Marquis de Barbacena arrived in town on Wednesday from the Continent. The Marquis had an interview with the Earl of Aberdeen, at the close of which belch town for the residence of the young Queen of Portugal at Lalehatn. Mr. Charles Warren, Chief Justice of Chester, expired at his house in Bed- ford-square, on Wednesday afternoon, in the sixty-sixth year of his age. It is rumoured that Mr. Campbell will succeed to the vacant place on the Bench of the Exchequer. Mr. Huskisson left town on Tuesday morning on a visit to his contituents at Liverpool. We understand it is the intention of the right honourable gentleman, after making a short stay at Liverpool, to make a tour of the northern counties. The Gazette of last night contains the announcement of Mr. O'Connell's return for Clare.

MARRIAGE IN HiaH LIFE.—The marriage of the Duke of Buccleugh to Lady Charlotte Thynne, third daughter of the Marquis and Marchioness of Bath, took place on Thursday morning, at St. George's Church, Hanover Square. The cere- mony was performed by the Dean of Lincoln. The Duke of Bedford gave the lovely bride away. The happy pair set off for his Grace's seat, Houton, North- amptonshire, where they intend passing the honey-moon.

The grand wedding of the Honourable Miss Frederica Law with the Honour- able Captain H. Ramsden, took place on Saturday, at the splendid mansion of Lady Ellenborough, Cambridge House. Covers were laid for one hundred.

CLERKS IN THE NAVY.—As the notice which we copied last week from another paper relative to the promotion of " ten clerks," was defective, and indeed un- intelligible, we quote the following from the Hampshire Telegraph of the 10th, which places the matter in its proper light. Thanks to our obliging correspon- dent.—" By an order in Council of 1814, a stop was put to the promotion of captain's clerks to the rank of pursers, until the number of pursers should be reduced below the number of ships in the navy. Within these few days, another order to Council has been issued, which grants some alleviation to this deserving class of individuals; promotion is again to go on, provided it does nut emb race more than ten in any one year." METROPOLITAN POLICE.—It is- understood that the arrangements for bringing the new police system into operation will not be completed till about three weeks hence. The district included in its purview at the outset will be a very exten- sive one; comprising the parishes of St. James, Westminster, St. Martin-in.the- Fields, St. George, Hanover-square, St. Margaret and St. John the Evangelist, St. Paul, Covent.garden, St. Mary-le-Strand, St. Clement Danes, St. Anne, Soho, St. Marylebone, St. Giles-in-the-Fields, St. George, Bloomsbury, St. Andrew, Holborn, St. George the Martyr ; extra parochial—Gray's-inn, Lincoln's-inn, Staple-inn, Furnival's-inn (in Middlesex.) The district will be divided into five divisions, each division under the charge of a superior officer, named a superin- tendent of police, to whom it is proposed to allot a salary of 2001. per annum, and who will be considered responsible for the activity and good conduct of the police force acting within his (division. The amount of force for the whole of the five divisions will not fall short of 800 men. The men employed will be di- vided into four classes—the superintendent, above-mentioned ; the inspector, at a salary of 1001. per annum ; the police sergeant, with pay at the rate of 3s. fid. a day ; the ordinary police constable, with pay at the rate of 3s. a day, but this to be augmented if necessary. All appointments to the higher stations in the police will be confined to those men who have distinguished themselves by good conduct in the lower ranks. The police constables must be of vigorous consti- tution, and not above thirty-five years of age, or under five feet seven inches in height. The commissioners require that the whole time of each man employed shall be devoted to the service of the police ; no man will be allowed to exhaust his strength by labour during the day at other occupations. The whole police force will be gradually placed under such a degree of discipline as may enable it to act with effect, should occasion arise for its services, as an united corps— for instance, the late riots in Spitalficlds, and tumultuous mobs of any kind. It will also be made useful in preventing and extinguishing fires. The uniform is a blue single-breasted body coat, with white buttons, having a crown, with the word "police" under it ; an ornament on the collar will bear the letter of the division to which the wearer is attached, as also his number, so that he will easily be iden- tified. Each will be armed with a short Roman sword attached to a black belt. The opening of the new Post Office is DOW postponed till October.—Morning Paper.

Burris Ft Team WITH THE BLACK SEA.—Instructions have been sent by Govern- meat to our Ambassador at Constantinople to afford his best services to obviate the interruptions experienced at Constantinople by English vessels coming from Odessa.

ColiN.—it appears by letters received from Archangel, that very large ship- ments were milking there of oats to this country; probably, a speculation on the

failure of our crop. •

The aggregate average of wheat for the six weeks which regulates the duty is 663.8d. per qr. In consequence of this, the duty on foreign wheat has advanced 2s. per qr. being now at 20s. 8d. per. qr. S Hass—The Spitalfields weavers have had this mortifying answer to their pe- tition—" His Majesty deeply laments the distress which prevails in that district, and regrets to hear that the sufferings of the innocent and industrious workmen have been increased, as there was reason to fear they would be, by the lawless acts, and outrages on property, that were recently committed in Spitalfields. His Majesty has directed the petition to be referred to the consideration of his confi- dential servants ; who have not felt themselves warranted in advising his Majesty to encourage the emigration of the weavers of Spitalfields to any of the colonial possessions of his Majesty, by special pecuniary aid for that purpose."

Corms Tnaon.—There is no particular change in the state of trade this week. Complaints are still very general, though, from some of the bleachers, and indeed in some other quarters also, we hear that more goods have been disposed of. We have heard of three failures in Manchester this week. There have also been two failures of London houses in the Manchester trade : one, which owes considerable sums here, it is believed, will not be attended with much loss.—Manchester Mercury.

A failure has occurred of a large manufacturing house in Manchester ; among the consequences of which the most serious are, that it will at once throw 900 or 1,000 individuals out of employment. In point of credit, the house has main- tained, in general, a very high character up to the period of the failure ; but it is believed by some persons that time house owes its fall to the fatal year of 1826, having never been perfectly solvent since that time. The sensation in Man- chester has been very great on the occasion; and the probable consequences of the disaster were so strongly felt there, that very large offers of assistance, some say to the amount of 200,0001., were made, but that the partners were not able to show any thing like adequate security for the repayment even at a very distant period. A branch of the house existed in London—Times, Saturday.

FORTIFIED Facgoarns.—There are two factories near Oxford-road which have a singular and warlike appearance, in consequence of their owner having caused to be erected a strong wall at the end of each factory, somewhat in the shape of a half-moon battery. In these walls are crevices just large enough to admit the point of a musket, and the port-holes are so placed as to enable the persons inside these two formidable batteries to point their arms down four different streets. The port-holes have small moveable iron-doors, which may be instantly removed, and a number of persons coining up the streets might be popped off' before they could say "Jack Robinson."--Manchester Times.

Mr. Buckingham has made himself so popular in Glasgow by his lectures on India, that it has been proposed in one of the journals of that city, to procure a seat for him in the House of Commons, as a representative of the mercantile interests.

THE HARVEST.—Most of the accounts this week are favourable. A correspond- ent of the Globe reports, that on Wednesday, "Mr. Bolder°, the large coach pro- prietor, and Mr. Orridge, the Governor of the county jail at Norwich, have produced samples of new wheat at the market, -which was shocked, carted, thrashed, winnowed, and some of it ground and made into bread, within the space

of eight days! Perhaps a better sample was never seen, whether as it regards the quality or the quantity of flour which it will produce. The harvest has

become general, and much of the wheat will be housed in the course of this week should the weather continue thus favourable. The late showers have proved highly beneficial to the turnips, of which, unless the fly pay them a visit, there will be a fine crop."

A plan has been under the consideration of Government for some time past, to convert the extensive prisons of war in the forest of Dartmoor into an establish- ment for the reception of different descriptions of convicts. Sir Thomas Tyrwhitt lately attended the Jail Committee of the Corporation of London, and stated to them the nature of the plan, the principal feature of which is the classification

and employment of convicts ; and all the Aldermen present expressed themselves in favour of its application to prisoners sentenced to imprisonment for two or more years, though some of them objected to it as a substitute for transportation,

Emma:mos.—That beautiful ship the Gilmore sailed on Monday evening for the Swan River. She has upwards of two hundred passengers on board, the whole of whom are highly respectable, and many of them are in opulent circum- stances. The property on hoard the Gilmore alone amounts to more than 60,0001. We uuderstand also, that the Minstrel will call at this port in about a fortnight, to take out other settlers on account of Mr. Peel. We are informed that Government have increased Mr. Peel's grant of land from 350,000 to 1,000,000 acres.—Plymouth Journal.