15 AUGUST 1829, Page 4

Mrs. Bradley, the wife of a tap-keeper at the Bell

Inn, in Holborn, on Satur- day last committed, first murder ou her infant, and then suicide.. Both the bodies were found quite deadt the throats dredfully cut, and a slip of paper on a table beside them, with these words—" May the Lord bless my dear husband and children. It is no fault of theirs. God bless my dear husband; and keep him from harm for my doing this. The Lord prosper his undertakings and my two little children." It appears that the poor woman wits haunted by the apprehen- sion of coming to loss through the agreement her husband badtnade for the tap. Verdict, Insanity. Captain William Dale, late in the merchant service, has committed suicide in consequence of labouring under severe distress, produced by being out of em- ployment. A young man at Battersea, who had been six weeks married, has drowned himself, because his companions, in cruel sport, persuaded him that his wife had been false.

Fin.—Between one and two o'clock on Friday morning, an alarming fire broke out on the second floor of a house in Size lane, Cannon-street, occupied by Messrs. J. and W. Sisily, dealers in foreign silks, which, after burning a short time, threatened destruction to the houses contiguous. Cox, a patrol, and a watchman, roused the inmates, Mr. W. Sisily, a woman servant, and a boy. Mr. Sisily immediately ran down stairs, followed by the boy and the woman ; but the woman having recollected that she had nothing but her night-clothes.on, returned for something to cover her person, and on endeavouring to go down stairs again, she was met by the flames, and found it impossible to escape at the lower part of the house. Cox, followed by a 'watchman, rushed through the flames to her assist- ance; but, when they had reached the first floor, they were compelled, being al- most stifled by the smite, to stop. They could hear the woman screaming, in a voice almost suffocated ; on which they called to her to go on the top of the house, where they would rescue her. Fortunately she heard what they said, and clambered to the roof. By this time the two men having gone through the next house, came to her assistance, and conveyed her in safety to a neighbour's. In about an hour after the arrival of the engines, the fire.was subdued. The pro- perty lost is considerable ; the whole of the stock, consisting of extremely rich

silks, being saturated with water. .

DARING ROBBERY AND DESFENAPE ATTEMPT -AT RESCUE.—On Wednesday last, about one o'clock in the day, a daring attempt, which had very nearly succeeded, was made to rob the Boot Inn; at Edgeware, of property to a large amount. Wed- nesday was the last day of Edgeware fair, and agreat number of characters of every description had assembled abonithe town, and were congregated at the dif- ferent inns and public-houses. The ?3oot, adlich is situated near the place where the fair is held, was particularly a uwded. About one o'clock on that day, Mr. John Large, the nephew of Mrs. Tatersay, the landlady of the house, and who is her chief assistant in the business, went up to his aunt's room, which was always kept locked, merely to wash his hands and adjust his dress for the afternoon ; and when he put the key into the lock he found the door already unlocked, and pushed it, but it wps fastened inside, and he endeavoured in vain to get it open. At length, during a pause in his exertions, he heard a noise inside the room, and listening more attentively, he distinctly heard the sound of money, as if a quantity was falling upon the floor. It occurred to him that some one was robbing the house and he called out, "Whoever is inside, let them conic out instantly, or I will pro'. cure arms and blow their brains out." He was just about to call for assistance from below, when the inside bolt of the door was drawn aside, and a man with a silk hand- kerchief drawn over his face, and secured under his hat, rushed out upon Mr. Large, and with a blow of his fist sent him to the bottom of the stairs, and, jumping over him, escaped out of the house. He was pursued, however, and overtaken, and safely lodged in the town cage. On examining Mrs. Tattersay's apartment, it was found that every drawer and other place of security had been ransacked, and a bag containing 91. in silver, 801. in sovereigns, and a quantity of bank notes, amounting in the whole to nearly 5001., had been removed from the bureau, and was found on the floor • and the noise occasioned by its fall was doubtless that which Mr. Large heard before the thief opened the door. Some hills of ex- change, a quantity of plate and other property, had also been removed from the bureau, and were found scattered about the floor. The thief, on being taken into custody, endeavoured to get away, but was overpowered by numbers. He was recognized as William Thompson, a man who had been engaged during the fair in playing at " the thimble-rig," and other games, by which the unwary are duped at such places. He had not been long in the cage before several of his compa- nions assembled at the Boot, and intimated pretty plainly that they intended to get him out during the night. Mr. Large determined to prevent this, and hired four stout countrymen to watch the cage. At three o'clock in the morning, when the inhabitants of the town were all at rest, a gang of about twenty fellows, armed with bludgeons, came down to the cage, and commenced a furious attack upon the four men, who in a very short time were levelled with the ground, and one of them was mosedesperately beaten and wounded. The cries of the men roused the inmates of the Boot, and Mr. Large in a short time collected several persons together, and went to the assistance of the countrymen and drove the rescue gang away, but not until a desperate scuffle had taken place ; and it is probable that the thief would finally have been rescued, only for the presence of mind of a person named Newman, who happened to be sleeping at the Boot, and who on learning the cause of the disturbance, called out, "Bring the fire-arms, Harry, what the d-1 are you about—bring my pistol and the blunderbuss—we must shoot the rascals to save ourselves, for they are determined upon murder, and shall have enough of it." The fellows who had shown so strong a determination to rescue thir com- panion, on hearing the call for fire-arms, ran away, and the prisoner was left safe in the cao-e. On Thursday morning, the prisoner, William Thompson. was taken before Mr. Williams, a Magistrate at Hendon . as heard,

in which the above circumstances were stets A for the robbery, the worthy magistrate deemin .ney and other

property. from one part of the room to ane.der, with intent to steal, a sufficient asportauon to make the felony complete.—Thues.

MYSTERIOUS MURDER.—A case which promised a fine treat for the lovers of

the marvellous and the horrible was opened the other day at Guildhall A woman

of the town, named Shannon, was accused by a Mrs. Brown, on her own con.. fession e.s was alleged, of having murdered a naval officer; who used to visit her every Saturday about ten years ago, and of burying him in a cellar in the house where she resided, in that elegant neighbourhood, White Hart-yard, Drury-lane. Miss Shannon denied the charge, but was detained until due search was made for the corpus delieti. The first night, the constables, beadles, and others, searched but discovered nothing ; " all the night they hunted, but nothing could they find." The cellar had been paved subsequent to the murder ; and before a proper investi- gation could be made, the pavement was of necessity to be raised. Next day the flags were raised, and on digging near to the site of the grave, close to the water- butt, a whole basket-full of bones, sonic with flesh yet adhering to them, was found. They were washed, and submitted to the inspection of a man learned in anatomy ; when (oh death to the sentimental!) they were found to be, not the skeleton of a naval officer; but of a calf; an actual horn constituting part of the melancholy remains. Poor Belzoni was much annoyed when, after the labour of penetrating into the pyramid of Cephrenes, the bones that he found in the sarco- phagus turned out to be those of a cow : but what was his disappointment to that of Mrs. Brown, whose naval officer was converted, not into a cow, a respect- able animal, but into one which is a by-word even among butchers? Miss Shannon was of course discharged.

A LOST Clin.u.—Mrs. Glennon, an elderly and decent-looking Irishwoman, who brought with her a letter of introduction from the Mayor of Limerick to the Lord Mayor of London, applied to his Lordship at the Mansionhouse, a few days ago, for assistance to recover her daughter. She described herself as a midwife, who had attended most of the respectable families in Limerick ; her daughter, a girl of eighteen, was in the habit of assisting her ; 'and in one ftunily, the sum due for her professional services had run up from year to year till it amounted to 1401. The lady of the house, it appeared, laboured under insanity ; and as Mrs. Glen- non's fears represented it, the master had run away from Limerick, with the amount of her debt, which she little regarded, though it constituted her whole savings, and with her daughter, whom she valued above light and life. The Lord Mayor, with his usual kindness and consideration, listened to poor Mrs. Glen. non's story, and consoled her in the best way that her melancholy recital admitted. He particularly pressed on her, though with small credence on the part of his pe. titioner, the strong probability that the gentleman had not acted as she imagined, and that her daughter had only quitted Ireland to live as a servant in England. It may be necessary to remark, that a faux pus similar to that described by Mrs. Glen non is in Ireland considered as the last and worst of misfortunes—that it plunges not only families, but whole kindreds, into a state of inconsolable depression ; and its effect on the'heart of a mother can be but imperfectly estimated where it is looked on in the light of an every-day occurrence. The poor Irish midwife was conveyed by the humanity of the Lord Mayor to Epsom, in the neighbourhood of which town the supposed • seducer of her child was residing ; and on Thursday she returned to the-Mansionhouse, to report on the success of her mission. The scene was rich in touches of nature, and the whole story would form a fit subject for such a pen as that of MrS. S. C. [jail.—" Oh, my Lord," said the poor woman, "you have preserved ,my life. for you have restored my poor child to me. The Lord bless you and all that belongs to you." The Ilsrd Mayor—" Your fears, as I thought at first, were unfounded. She has been restored to you without blem- ish?" Mrs. Glennon—" Yes, she has; God biers you for"ever. My poor child is as pure as she was before she left me, and I don't believe there was any inten- tion to do her harm ; but what wasn't Ito suspect when she was taken awayfives me, after living wills me all her life ?" Mrs. Glennon then detailed the history of her application to the clergyman at Epsom, to whom time gentleman she sought was related. The reverend gentleman told her "every thing in the world,"— where to put her hands upon the gentleman who owed her the trifle of money, and that leer child was quite safe. The Lord Mayor—" Well, and have you got your money ?" Mrs. Glennon—" Money ! No. I never thought of the money ; I never asked a word about it. How could I think of money when I saw any child?" The Lord Mayor said, he saw that she deserved to have an affectionate child, and he hoped that her debtor would at length behave honourably to her. Mrs. Glennon—" He will behave honourably. Oh, we are all so happy—God bless you for having made us so. I wish you could see us together." The Lord Mayor—" Why, do you all live together ?" Mrs. Glennon—" Yes, your Lord- ship, we have all lived most happily together ever since you sent me down." The Lord Mayor—" And what brought you away from the family now ; why are you not down with them?" Mrs. Glennon—'• Is it stay with them, without coming rip to return you thanks for saving my life ? Sure I never could leave got over it if it was not for you; the Lord in heaven bless you for it. „A! then, could you think I meant to enjoy my blessings without coming to you, to bless you for all you have done."

LIFE AT BRIXTON.—A man named Raper and another named White were brought before the Union-hall Magistrates on Wednesday, by Mr. Rose (son of Sir George Rose) the master of the former, under ludicrous circumstances. Mr. Rose has a house at Brixton• which, in the absence of his family at a watering- place, he had left in charge of Raper. On Tuesday night, as he was coming to town, Mr. Rose bethought him of calling at Brixton to see how the premises were attended to ; when, to his very great surprise, he found the windows blazing with lights, and the sounds of mirth and dancing issuing from every chink. After knocking for some time, the door of the mansion was opened by a young fellow in livery, who demanded his ticket. " Ticket !" exclaimed Mr. Rose, "Ibr what?" " For Mr. Raper's party," was the answer. In the mean while, Raper overheard his master's voice in colloquy with the occasional footman ; and run- ning up stairs, explained to the ,ladies and gentlemen the malapropos arrival which was to cut short their merry-making. The candles were instantly extin- guished ; and by the time Mr. Rose reached the drawing-room, all was hushed, except the fluttered breaths of the surprised and agitated company. Mr. Rose threatened the whole assemblage with the watch-house for their misconduct—a threat which the vicinity of the notorious tread-wheel renders more formidable at Brixton than in most other villages near Loudon ; but on the prayers and entrea- ties and excuses of the wasmen, he very goodnaturedly dismissed them with an admonition "&eyer to cope there no more." The others took their friendly dis- missal in geed .part; but Mister White, a son of St. Crispin, who was a little elevated, talked big, and was in consequence consigned, along with the master of the feast, Raper, to the watch-house. White apologized for his insolence, and was discharged. Raper denied that he took money for the tickets—his only wish was to make pie party select, and that was the origin of the ticket business. Mr. Roar tofd him never to enter his house again ; and so ended Mr. Raper's hop.

FEES OF THE CLERK OF THE PEACE.--The case of John Hall, who was falsely imprisoned in Whitecross-street Gaol, came on again on Wednesday before the Lord Mayor; whose surprise at the conduct adopted in the office of Clerk of the Peace was not at all abated by the explanation which was given there. Mr. Richardson, the under Sheriff, stated to the Lord Mayor, that he had applied to

the Clerk of the Peace for the restitution of Hall's guinea, which had been paid previously to his discharge from the prison, and which there could be no pre- tence for detaining, inasmuch as the poor man had performed all that was re- quired of him at the Old Bailey, and his recognizances had been illegally entreated in the Exchequer. He represented at the Office, that the Lord Mayor expected some recompense would be made to him. The Lord Mayor—" Well, I suppose there was very little hesitation on the subject ?"—Mr. Richardson said there was no hesitation at all, for a plump refusal was given to return a farthing of the money. The Clerk of the Peace declared that the whole mistake arose from an orthographical error, with respect to the name of the woman whom Hall prosecuted. This woman's name was " Knowles," but it appeared in the indict- ment as" Nowles;" and the Clerk of the Peace, upon looking over the list, found that no person named " Nowles" had been prosecuted, and, therefore, as he was bound to do, he estreated the recognizance. He had nothing to do with the mistake, and was entitled to his fee, which he had received, and certainly would not, on any account, return. The Lord Mayor—" But if the Clerk of the Peace had paid common attention to his business, he would have detected the error. If he had looked over the list of those prisoners who were discharged by pro- clamation, he would have found that no woman named ' Nowles' had been libe- rated by proclamation. This sort of examination would have been at once con- clusive, and a great act of injustice would have been avoided." Mr. Richardson said, that the refusal to make the man amends Was plump and peremptory. But the unfortunate watchman (Woodin), who attended to give evidence in the case, BM also arrested and thrown into prison, where he remained nine days. The Lord Mayor—" What ! for the same crime of punctuality in attending and giving evidence ?" Mr. Richardson said the offence was precisely the same. The poor watchman was obliged to apply to the parish officers to take his whole family, consisting of a wife and six children, into their care, until his liberation, not having one halfpenny to buy bread for them. The Lord Mayor—" It is impos- sible to believe that the law would not redress those two injured men. The false imprisonment appears, from the circumstances which have followed it, of a very aggravated nature, and the case must not rest here. The facts are of such a na- ture, that it becomes necessary to apply to the fountain-head for a change, in mercy to the public." ' MR. FFRENCH AND THE YOUNG COBBETTS.—On Thursday night, at the close of the business at Bow Street Police Office, a gentleman announced himself to Sir Richard Birnie as Mr. Ffrench, the barrister, and demanded a warrant against three persons who had attacked him on the Kensington Road, on Wednesday evening. Sir Richard Birnie asked Mr. Ffrench to describe the assault he com- plained of. Mr. Ffrench said, that the persons of whom he complained were Messrs. John, William, and Richard Cobbett, the sons of Mr. Cobbett, the well- known political writer. He was going along the Kensington Road, about six o'clock, on Wednesday evening, and the three young men, who had concealed themselves, and had for some time been lying in wait behind a cart, pounced upon him as he passed by, and one of them struck him with a bludgeon, and beat hint as he lay on the ground ; they were all three concerned in the outrage. Sir If. Birnie said that there must have been some provocation, surely ; but that was no justification of the assault; and he ordered a warrant to be issued against the parties. Mr. Ffrench bore on his person visible marks of the violence of the assault; and he declared that he was sure his assailants intended to murder him. It is said that the assault was provoked by Mr. Ffrench having uttered some im- putation against the mother of the young men, which he refused to retract. ' THE JEALOUS Wiee.—Mr. James Neale, a respectable engraver, residing in the Strand, charged his wife, at Bow Street Office, a fashionably-dressed young eornan, with having assaulted him, and threatened his life. Mr. Neale said, that his who possessed a most violent and jealous temper; she had not only threatened him, but had sworn that she would carry destruction through all his family. Mrs. Neale (apparently exasperated to the very last degree)—" Oh, you false-hearted wretch, how can you tell such untruths ? Your Worship, I have been married to this man these ten years, and have borne him four children ; and if I were such a person as he basely describes me to be, wouldn't he have complained of my con- duct before now? The truth, however, is, your Worship, that when I go for a month or so to the country, he lives with other women." Mr. Neale assured the Magistrate that this was not the fact. Mrs. Neale—" Why you know, you base man, you told inc so yourself; and," added Mrs. Neale, " did I not hear your cousin, as she was kissing you the other day, say, Oh, my dear James, you and I ought to have been united ?' " Mr. Minshull endeavoured to effect a reconci- liation between the parties, but all his efforts were useless, Mrs. Neale declaring that she should never forget the indignity that had been offered to her by her hus- band in bringing her to the office. Ale was conveyed to Tothill-fields, there to remain, untilshe found bail, or some arrangement was made.

Viairs Tue ASSASSIN.—This boy, who was charged, it will be recollected, with an attempt to murder a fellow apprentice in the employment of Mr. Bridge at Clare in Suffolk, was tried at Bury St. Edmunds on Saturday last. Green, the boy whose throat lie had very nearly cut, was produced in Court, and gave evi- dence, but with considerable difficulty, although he is said to be out of danger, and rapidly recovering from the effects of the hurt. The facts elicited in the course of the trial had all been brought out in the preliminary investigations. The Jury found Vialls Guilty ; and the Judge, in a "feeling and impressive address," to use the form of sound words, condemned him to be hanged. The convict is a slight, fragile boy, about sixteen years of age, (pietas's' .mild in his appearance and manners ; he is respectably connected. We confess the attempt, so causeless, aimless, and unprovoked, seems to us to form as fair an exemplifi- cation of monomania as a metaphysical jury could well desire ; but the men of Suffolk are tint metaphysicians. A petition in his favour has been presented to Sir W. Garrow, the presiding Judge; and hopes are entertained that his life will be spared.

TIM FORFEIT OF JUSTICE SATISFIED nC Love.—An extraordinary interest was excited at Bury on Monday last, by the trial of William Buckle, a youth of nine- teen, for attempting to kill or disable Leah Warren, his sweetheart. The girl, who appeared as the principal witness, was still younger than himself; both were good looking, and extremely prepossessing in their appearance. Mr. Maltby, the counsel for the prosecution, stated that the prisoner was in the employment of a bricklayer and builder, the father of Leah Warren : his addresses being opposed by the girl's relations, the courtship was broken off: driven to desperation, and Inflamed by jealousy, having seen her walking with another young man, he seized and twisted her bonnet-strings, threw her down, and cut her throat with a knife; after which he fled, the girl went to her aunt's, medical aid was procured, and fortunately the wound was not mortal. Leah Warren, when called to prove the counsel's statement, recounted in a frank and artless way the story of their courtship, its interruption, and renewal, till, making an emphatic avowal of their mutual and still undiminished attachment, she was overpowered by her feelings, and could proceed no further. After a considerable pause, Mr. Maltby rose and announced, that the father of the young woman, seeing that his daughter was still, with all the constancy of a woman's affection, attached to the prisoner, had con- sented to their union ; and on behalf of the prosecutor, he, with the sanction of his Lordship, would decline offering any further evidence. Mr. Gunning, as counsel for the prisoner, expressed his own and the prisoner's most grateful sense of the kindness which had prompted such a course. The proceedings of this day would be long remembered by all now present ; and the prisoner, he was sure, would be the last person to forget the danger lie had escaped, and the return which was due to the woman who would shortly he the partner—he hoped the happy partner of his life. Mr. Baron Garrow, who was very much affected by this extraordinary scene, then addressed the Jury (see p. 251,) directing them, in the absence of evidence, to say that the prisoner was not guilty; and he requested that no indecent manifestation of public feeling might be exhibited. The pri- soner was then acquitted. As soon as he was set at liberty, the girl said, " The Lord be thanked t " and lie ran to her and kissed her heartily; and when they arrived in front of the Court, the crowd gave a loud cheer.

FATAL RESISTANCE TO THE LAW.—At the Nottingham Assizes, on Monday, Edward Revill, aged sixty, Sarah Revill his wife, aged fifty-seven, Peter Greasley, aged twenty-one, and Ann, the wife of Thomas Sportou, aged forty-one, were con- victed of feloniously shooting at William Middap, in resistance of a writ of eject- ment from premises to which they conceived they derived a title from their an- cestors. After some parley with them, perceiving the prisoners armed and deter- mined on resistance, the officers proceeded to force the door with crow-bars, upon which Edward Revill was seen to take his station behind the door with a pistol in his hand ; Peter Greasley was also seen to come down stairs, and take a pistol ; whilst the women showered down bricks, shoemaker's lasts, and other missiles, from the upper window. Middap, one of the officers, succeeded in fixing a crow- bar between the door and door-post, so as to force it open about six incites, but the crow-bar was forcibly drawn into the house by some person on the inside ; Middap then took up a last, which he inserted under the door, and endeavoured to lift it off its hinges; another officer called out to him to take care, as there was a pistol pointed at him between the door and the door-post: at that moment Middap received a blow from a brickbat on the left shoulder, and at the same moment the pistol was fired oft', and wounded him in the chin. The prisoners having been called up for judgment, and the usual proclamatiOn for silence made, Lord Tenterden placed the fatal black cap upon his head. As soon as Ann Spor- ton beheld it she screamed, and flung her arms round the neck of her brother, who immediately fell back in a swoon. The assistance of a surgeon was procured, and after a little time, with the aid of cold water, the prisoner was restored to his senses. Lord Tenterden then pronounced the sentence of death ; and the pri- soners were led away in different directions, the men on one side, and the women on the other. It was an appalling scene to witness a whole family, consisting of the husband, wife, son, and daughter, all condemned to die atilnce. The females have since been respited.

MISTRESS AND MAID.—At the Stafford assizes, on Monday, Sarah Wheeldon, a very pretty girl, was charged with having ou the 13th of March last robbed her mistress, Miss Rogers, an elderly infirm lady, of 315/. 17s. 6d. Miss Rogers, being sworn, and asked what she knew against the prisoner, said—" I know no- thing against her ; I do not think that she has taken any of my money ; she has been in my service upwards of four years, and I believe her to be very honest." By the Court—" I believe you made a different statement to the magistrate be- fore whom you were examined : have you any recollection of that examination ?" Witness—" I recollect being examined, and signing a paper of my evidence be- fore Mr. Heathcote ; but I was then in a very ill state of health, and unfit for such a task. I had been eleven weeks in bed, and gave those depositions very reluctantly. Mr. Heathcote came to my house; I did not send for him. "Mr. William Chaloner, of Leek—" In consequence of information, I went to Miss Rogers's on the 13th of March. The prisoner told me that her mistress's house had been broken open, and showed me a window open, with a pane of glass out, and a door which she stated she had locked the night before, through which any person getting in at the window most have passed to the room front which the money was taken. I observed the lock. It was not marked or injured. I ex- amined the premises, and I believe no person could have got in that way. I told her that unless she gave up the money, which I believed she herself had taken, she would be committed. At length she gave me the 315/. 17s. 6d., which I now produce, out of a sort of oven in a kitchen or cellar in the house." Other wit- nesses corroborated this statement. On their cross-examination it appeared, that Miss Rogers frequently hid money in different parts of the house ; that the pri- soner had full knowledge of that fact, had always access to her money, paid her bills, and had her entire confidence. A person might have got into the window by a ladder, but no ladder was on the premises, and could not have been got there without coming through other houses. Mr. Serjeant Ludlow summed up the evi- dence; declaring, that in the whole course of his experience he had never heard of so singular a case. Verdict, Not Guilty. The lady left the Court with the prisoner, both appearing well pleased at the result.

A CLERICAL CALUMNIATOIL—A trial for a libel of a very aggravated character took place at Stafford on Tuesday, in which a Reverend Mr. Mulock was defend- ant. The reverend gentleman, it appeared, by his pious oratory, had prevailed on the plaintiff, a shopkeeper at Stoke-upon-Trent, and various other inhabitants of that town and neighbourhood, to build him a chapel, where it could be turned to permanent profit The character of several of the flock, as well as of the pastor, seems to have been somewhat odd. In a short time Mr. Mulock saw fit to quarrel with most of them, and out of that quarrel arose the libel complained of; which imputed to Mr. Wilson, the plaintiff, the most horrible crimes, without the slightest ground or shadow of evidence. Indeed, Mulock, in his defence, stoutly maintained that lie meant not to impute overt acts to any of the parties he had slandered, but merely propensities. He made a long, intemperate, and rambling speech, in which he indulged in such gross and infamous personalities in regard to the plaintiff and others, the whole coupled with the most solemn appeals to Heaven as witness of their truth, that Baron Vaughan was compelled to threaten the holy slanderer with committal if he did not behave with more decency and moderation. The Jury found for the plaintiff—damages 501.; and in a similar case, which was subsequently tried, they gave the same verdict. The opinion en- tertained in Court generally was, that Mr. Mulock is not altogether sane : he is represented as a man of some talent, but where it lay did not appear on the trial.

CHARGE OF FRAUD AGAINST A GENTLEMAN OF RANK. John Revett, Esq. a gentleman of great respectability, and connected with some of the best families in the county, was charged at the Bury Assizes, on the 10th inst. with fraudulently obtaining from one Benjamin Herren the sum of ten pounds, on the security of a promissory note for 1001. alleged to be a forgery on Jonathan Bowtell. Bowtell swore that Mr. Revolt prevailed on him to sign the bill in question—or rather, piece of stamped paper, which he had afterwards filled up in the form of a pro- missory note--by pretending that it was merely a form requisite in a suit before the King's Bench, in which Revett was a party and Bowtell a witness, in order to excuse the attendance of the latter. The evidence of Bowtell was given with a good deal of flippancy, and in some points with much reluctance. Mr. Revett's counsel contended, that no fraud could have been practised on Marren, inasmuch as Bowtell, by signing the bill, whether wittingly or otherwise, was liable in its amount to any onerous holder ; and the Court admitted the objection to be fatal. Mr. Revett was accordingly acquitted.