15 AUGUST 1835, Page 2

The decree of the Queen Of Spain for the suppression

of convents with fewer than twelve monks, will, it is said, cause the breaking up of 1200 establishments. The convents of Barcelona generally contain more than twelve inmates, and will therefore be unmolested by the Government for the present; but on this account they have become especially odious to the people, who were easily exasperated into the acts of violence which we mentioned last week ; and which were re- pewed on the 4th instant. The tumult was not suppressed without 41itheulty. General BASRA, who commanded the Government troops, Was attacked in his palace, and thrown from his balcony ; and his dead body having been dragged through the streets, was afterwards cast into the ire which had been set to the hotels of the Police and the Govern- /sent officers. On the morning of the 5th instant, order was restored by the militia.

The Spanish Government has at length adopted the wise resolution .Of aekziowledging the independence of the South American States, Senor SANTA MARIA, at present in London, has received a passport from the Spanish Minister, as A mblumwdor of the Republic of Mexico; and he will proceed to Madrid in the course of a few days.