15 AUGUST 1846, Page 19



Shores of the Mediterranean; with Sketches of Travel. By Francis Schxnsder, Secretary to the Commodore commanding the United States Squadron in that sea. 1843-45. With Engravings. In two volumes.

England's Colonial Empire; an Historical, Political, and Statistical Ac- count of the Empire, its Colonies, and Dependencies. By Charles Prid - ham, Esq., B.A., F.R.G.S. Volume!. The Mauritius and its Dependencies. Lectures on Ethics. By Thomas Brown, M.D., late Professor of Moral Phi- losophy in the University of Edinburgh. With a Preface, by Thomas Chal- mers, D.D., Professor of Divinity in the Free Church College, Edinburgh.

The Puritan's Grave. By the late William Pitt Scargill. [This is a new and neat edition, in a single volume, and doubtless following the taste of the day for "moderate terms," of a work which must always be welcome to the reader of piety or the reader of taste. Its author, the late William Pitt Seargill, was best known for a sharp yet not ill-natured satire, and for a truthful delineation of the manners and characters of English country life, especially in the upper middling classes. His pictures in this way eqnallecl Galt's in their quiet humour, and surpassed them in warmth of colouring and geniality of feeling, -in both of which the Northern novelist was deficient. Quitting this style Scargili tried his hand, and successfully, at other kinds of fiction; and shortly before liii death published The Puritan's Grave. The subject of this story is the hardships endured by a conscientious Nonconformist and his family when expelled from his living during the reign of Charles the Second; the object of the author is to t

the moral of religious resignation and the uses of adversity. We noticed the k

at length. on its linst appearance, and may greet this new edition with the praise we gave as predecessor. • With the religious world The Puritan's Grave will surely become a choice favourite: it is the purest novel that was ever written; for although there is love in it, it is the love of angels. The whole book is a triumph of religion—the author makes it shine upon the darkest passages of ins- man suffering: calamity, or such as would be held to be calamity by others, is ex- hibited in all its uses; and, what is rare enough, the afflicted are made more sen- sible of its purifying influence than even the moralizers or observers of -their actions."] Chollerton; a Tale of our Own Times. By a Lady. (Chollerton is a religious tale. The authoress is evidently a Tractarian ; advo- cating the daily service, fasting, and all the other practices that distinguish her party, and approving of the celibacy of the clergy. These points are discussed and enforced in her dialogue; but the object of her examples is not clear, unless it be that a "priest " should not allow his mind to be diverted from his duties by an earthly love, and that a woman of a superior mind and decidedly pious should not -enter into the married state Young Fosdyke, the Tractanan minister, smothers a rising passion for the heroine, Anna Marsden, by prayer and mortifi- cation. Anna, though winning Sir Edward Belconrt, does not keep him, but cheerfully resigns him to her friend Charlotte. The philosophy of Chollertonds very poor; the morality not much better, since the heroine, all pattern as she is, gives in to the doctrine of reservation or concealment. The book, however, ix a clever specimen of the lesser novel: the story sufficiently probable; the characters natural, though not marked; the-style easy, and rather elegant.] Letters to aEride. By Emma Pessina. [A.series of letters to a:young married woman, supposed to have been fashion- ably and frivolously brought up. The marriage is one of love; the parties are In easy circumstances; the writer is apparently an old governess of the bride whom -she addresses on-the various duties incident to her situation,—including the hest modes of maintaining the affection of her husband, improving her mind, and choos- ing her friends. The book is elegantly and earnestly written, and contains many judicious observations of close application; but as a whole it is somewhat general, with a species of sermonizing air.] Education : showing What is Done, What is Not Done, What we Can Do, What we Must Do to Educate the People. By W. T. Rely, Esq., of the Middle Temple, Selretary to the Southwark Fund for Schools, tec. [Mr. Hely takes a clear and condensed survey of what we are now doing, or W- tempting to do, to educate the people; and points gut the deficiencies, not only.as regards the number of schools, but the incapacity of their masters, and their an- terior status, arising in reality from their inferior stipends. Mr. Haly's sugges- tions are various but they resolve themselves into a matter of money. He would increase the annual grant till it is sufficient for the purpose of erecting schools wherever they are wanted; improve the training of the schoolmasters; raise their salaries; and, by establishing a species of staff-officers under the name of super- intendents, &c., give the scholastic profession some of those prizes in the letterer of life, which, according to Sydney Smith, induce gentlemen to enter the Church.] Two Systems of Astronomy. First, The Newtonian System; showing the

rise and progress thereof, by a short historical account; the general

theory, with a variety of remarks thereon. Second, The System in accordance with the Holy Scriptures; showing the rise and progress. from

Enoch, the seventh from Adam; the Prophets, Moses, and others, an the first Testament; Our Lord Jesus Christ and his Apostles, in the New or second Testament; Reeve and Muggleton, in the third and last Testa- ment; with a variety of remarks thereon. By Isaac Frost.

[This is a quarto for the astronomers; Mr. Isaac Frost undertaking to overthrow the Newtonian system, and establish the Scriptural, such as he interprets it. Be deals largely with the moon, and reflected light; and has posed a couple of astro- nomers by viva voce examination. He also supports his opinions by a variety of very pretty diagrams, illustrative of the Newtonian theory tual the system of the Holy Scriptures. It is altogether a strange book. "Paul thou art halide thyself: much learning doth make thee mad."] German University Education; or the Professors and Students of Germany. To which is added, a brief Account of the Public Schools of Primal- with Observations on the Influence of Philosophy on the Studies of the German Universities. By Walter C. Perry, Phil. Dr. of the University of Gettin- gen. Second edition.

[This descriptive account of the German Universities, in their forms, perhaps, rather than their life, has been revised, and two new chapters added; one on the public schools of Prussia, another on the influence of philosophy on the studies of the German Universities. Dr. Perry is a strenuous advocate ot the German eye- tern; and he makes one point fairly enough against the views of Laing,-that the English mechanic trained by society would be still better with the education of the Prussian, and the Prussian a good deal worse without it.]

The Latin Tyro's Guide, or First Step towards the acquirement of Latin. By George Jackson.

[ A series of exercises on the declensions and conjugations; consisting of Latin words to be inflected, and English phrases to be translated into Latin. It seems designed to accompany the study of the accidence; which it will doubtless im- press upon the mind.]

An Initiatory Grammar of the English Language; with numerous Exercises- By John Millen. [There is nothing new in this compilation on orthography, etymology, and syntax. It contains two parts; the first chiefly consisting of rules, and the second of exercises thereupon.] The Biliad, or How to Criticize; a Satire. With the Dirge of Repeal, and other Jeux &Esprit. By T. M. Hughes, Author of "Revelations of Spain," "The Ocean Flower," &c. Third edition considerably augmented. [Some ten pages of new verses have been added to this edition, descriptive of the author's opinion of the grovelling character of British society through our reverence for wealth. Mr. Hughes also denies, in a new.preface, that he was instigated to his assault upon the critics by their animadversions upon himself: it was their in- justice towards the books of others-he was adamant as regards his own.] History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century. By J. H. Merle D'Aubigne, D.D. Volume IV. [This completes the cheap edition of D'Aubigne's History of the Reformation; the publisher of the series having made an arrangement with the publishers of D'Aubigni's own English edition, instead of waiting for the appearance of the French.] The Law of Registration of Voters at Parliamentary Elections, as settled by the Decisions of the Court of Common Pleas. With an Index of .Re- ference. By D. C. Moylan, Esq., Revising Barrister for Westminster, &c. Second edition.

[This new edition embraces the decisions since last year; of which the most re- cent have a melancholy interest from having been completed by Chief Justice Tindal on his deathbed, and having received their signature the very day of his death.]

A Practical Manual of Elocution; embracing Voice and Gesture. By Mer- ritt Caldwell, A.M., Professor of Metaphysics and Political Economy, and Teacher of Elocution, in Dickinson College. Fourth edition, enlarged. Health Made Easy for the People; or Physical Training to make their Lives in this world Long and Happy. By the Inventor of the "Piano-terrestrial Globe," &c. Third five thousand.


Ecclesiastes, or the Preacher. Illustrated by Miss Gordon. [The book of Ecclesiastes has been chosen by Miss Gordon as a theme for the display of her taste and skill in emblematical designs, wherein she shows a play- ful and elegant fancy congenial to her subject. The heading of each chapter is printed in red letters on a gold ground surrounded with a border of wild flowers of appropriate character; and the initial letters of the chapters are each relieved in black or red from a rich mass of foliage, extending in some instances over the whole page, and occasionally embracing a picture. The whole of the text is printed in old English letter, in black with red-lined bordering; and a brilliant effect is often produced by the simple contrast of red and black, without gold. The whole is done with the pen, except a page of letterpress here and there; and the designs are marked by an artistic style, with delicacy and freedom of hand. The lithography is executed by Messrs. Dickinson' with their usual taste; and the whole work is a striking example of the modern facilities for emulating by the press the ancient illuminated writing.]

The Frescoes of Correggi?, engraved by Signor Toschi-St. John, from the Church of San Giovanni at Farina.

[The St. John is one of the lunettes over a door in the church dedicated to this evangelist. The saint is represented reclining, in the act of composing his Gos- pel: the scroll and pen are in his hands, the eagle is at his feet, and he looks heavenward with a countenance full of ifivine inspiration and seraphic beauty. Thedrapery that invests his form is cast in broad and massive folds, and the whole design is in the grandest style; its severe simplicity softened by beauty and sweet- ness, as is always the case with Corr.ggio. The eyes and brow have that serene expression of rapt devotion which is one of the distinguishing characteristics of this great painter.

The engraving is executed by Signor Toschi with the conscientious care and elaboration of one who understands and venerates the master whose works he eopies ; and though to English eyes there may not appear to be sufficient variety of tint, the work has none of the metallic hardness which is so objectionable in some modern line-engravings. The chiaroscuro is rendered with due effect; pre- serving that ease and suavity of manner which equally pervade the grandest and minutest of Correggio's paintings.]


Gilbert's Modern Atlas of the World for the People. Parts I. to VI. [A cheap and neatly-executed series of maps, on a moderate scale, convenient for reference; sufficiently full of names for general purposes, without being too crowded, and including modern discoveries. The boundaries of kingdoms are coloured, and in each plate a i miniature globe is introduced upon which is marked the situation of the countries included n the map. The dimensions and area of each country are indicated comparatively with those of England; and the utility of the Atlas as a work of reference, when complete, will be increased by an alphabetical index of twenty-four thousand places, with their latitudes and longitudes.]