15 AUGUST 1863, Page 3

Consols are at 93 93* for money, and at 93i

93f for the Account. The New Threes and Reduced Annuities are 93* 93f. Bank Stock is 238. The Five per Cent. Indian Loan is at 108* 108/. Turkish Six per Cents., 1862, are 68 68+; ditto; 1863, 4,141 dis. ; ditto, Consolides, 48i 49*. Greek, 33i 33k; ditto, Coupons, 15* 16. Spanish Passive, 331 331-; ditto, Certificates, 121 12i. Mexican, 381 39. The Confederate Loan, 24 to 22 dis. The report of the Royal Insurance Company has been published, and shows that the fire premiums have reached 300,000/., the sum assured on new life policies 701,427/.—a sum which the directors consider unexampled.