15 AUGUST 1868, Page 2

La Lanterne, the biting little paper edited by M. Rochefort,

has been seized in Paris, and its editor, already sentenced to four months' imprisonment for an assault under extreme provocation, has retired to Brussels. The seizure we do not particularly condemn. Means would be found in any country, however free, for putting down a journal which asserted week after week that the Sovereign was not his father's son; but it is believed in Paris that M. Roche- fort was hunted with the whole force of the Government, that the very writers who provoked him to an assault—by a device, he says, of absolutely unique villany, sending frightful inventions about his character to his daughter at her pension—were police agents. Paris, which was amused by La Lanterne, and does not care one straw if interect is rightly directed, has taken up the quarrel, and the cry on Napoleon's fête-day, 15th of August, will, it is said, be " Vive La Lan terne !"