15 AUGUST 1891, Page 15


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] can find no authority for your statement that you suspected Mr. Chamberlain had taken up the question of Free Education before Mr. John Morley. I note the following in Mr. Morley's well-known work on "Compromise," p. 99, written nearly twenty years ago :—" Gratuitous primary in- struction and the redistribution of electoral power are other matters of signal importance, which comparatively few men will consent to discuss seriously and patiently, and for our in- difference to which we shall one day surely smart." Mr. Chamberlain had evidently been studying Mr. Morley's writings before he brought out his "unauthorised pro- gramme" in 1885.-1 am, Sir, &c., Warwick, August 11th. J. LLOYD EVANS.

- [We apologise to Mr. Morley, whom we had no intention of defrauding of the prior claim which seems to be his.—En.
