15 AUGUST 1903, Page 26

The Book of the Peach. By H. W. Ward. (Walter

Scott Publishing Company. 2s. 6d.)—The greater part of this volume is naturally given to the cultivation of the peach (with which the nectarine is coupled) under glass ; but glass, except in a very humble way, is beyond the reach of most people. At p.92 we come to growing peaches on open walls. Mr. Ward has cheerful views on the subject. Choose a good aspect, and you can grow the fruit successfully anywhere in Great Britain. He gives some valuable hints,—retard the flowering period ; protect the flowers from frost ; water the roots. Finally, we have " Peach Trees in the Open," and here, too, he is encouraging : only you must be careful about the soil and about the sort. But that the peach will flourish even without care is a fact. The writer of this notice had one that he took for an almond till it astonished him with a handsome early crop of good fruit.