15 AUGUST 1908, Page 1

The Turkish Revolution is still, we are glad to say,

in the honeymoon stage, and the Committee of Young Turks shows a power of calming popular feeling which is most remarkable. For example, the strike of porters and stevedores which has been going on in the port of Constantinople, and the strike of tramway employees, are said to have been put an end to by the action of the Young Turks. Another interesting item of news is that a large portion of their ill-gotten gains is being restored by the ex-Ministers. So much for the good items. On the other side there are beginning to be indications (see the Sophia telegram in Friday's Times) that the truce between the various nationalities in Macedonia is breaking down. Another disquieting statement is contained in a Constantinople telegram to Friday's Daily Mail. This says that the Young Turk Committee of Union and Progress made on Thursday an important declaration virtually threatening foreigners if the Powers intervene in Turkish internal affairs. The proclamation, it is added, has created a most unpleasant impression.