15 DECEMBER 1832, Page 20


Triz Pilgrim's Progress, like Robinson Crusoe, is the "Boy's Own Book ;" and will live as long as the language it is written in. A handsome edition, in a portable form' has been lately published by KIDD. It is crammed with pretty little wood-cuts, designed by BONNER, with which the text is inlaid, like the pictures in old missals, but of a more homely aspect, as befits the book. Some of the designs are rather theatrical in their attempts at classic grace, but the costume and style are generally appropriate ; and they are so clearly defined and neatly executed, as to be intelligible to young readers. The sight of this capital Christmas gift of Mr. KIDD s has recalled the delicious Sunday enjoyments which this honest and quaint Guide-book to Heaven used to afford us in our boyhood. We especially like "the Shining Ones," and the dam- sels at the "House Beautiful." Evangelist, too, is a very orthodox personage. We prefer Christian in his rags, with his bale of sin : his robe here is a flowered morning-gown, and he holds his roll too much like a senator; his pilgrim's habit befits him well. Apollyon is a very proper dragon of a fiend ; and Mr. Greathearta Red-cross Knight-we always thought of the pair as St. George and the Dragon. Giant Despair looks like JOHN REEVE as Her- cules; Giant Grim is more of a Goliah. The monster Popery, with the Scarlet Lady riding on it, reminds us of Mrs. 'VINING on a charger in an Easter specticle. We should have preferred the cuts had they all excited homely associations; as that where Mr. Greatheart and Valiant-for-Truth, escorting a band of juvenile pilgrims, look like the schoolmaster at the head of his boys and the usher bringing up the rear. We remember being very mys- teriously impressed by the quaint, angular, and unintelligible cuts of an old black-letter copy. It was quite awful to look at them in the twilight of a winter evening. These have a gay and cheerful aspect, and enliven the appearance of the text.