15 DECEMBER 1832, Page 8

Ije Catintrv.

The candidates for the honour of representing the borough of Bury, Lancashire, are Richard Walker, an extensive iron-founder, and Mr. Edmund Grundy. A placard having lately made its appearance, inti- midating and denouncing all those who bad promised to vote for Mr. Walker, and exhorting the ivorkpeople to deal with no tradesmen but those who would pledge for Mr. Grundy, and the respectable inhabi- tants having identified the candidate, Mr. Grundy, with being an acces- aary.to the writing of the placard, and also a Mr. Matthew Fletcher and others; they-proceeded, on Friday last week, to Manchester, and pre- ferred a bill of indictment before the Grand Jury, which was then ..sitting; and the result was, that true bills were found against Mr. Grundy, the candidate, and his four supporters, for a conspiracy to prevent the electors exercising the elective franchise according to law, and for a conspiracy to prevent the return of Mr. Walker.

On Tuesday last, the Dean and Chapter of Wells Cathedral were pleased to-admit W. Aldrit to the Head-mastership of the Collegiate Grammar School in that city, on the appointment of the Reverend F..Beadon, Clerk, Chancellor of that Cathedral.

The Coast Guard Force on the coasts of Kent and Sussex has been

Ii augmented for the winter months, by drafting men from Ireland, and the Northern part of the kingdom ; and we are happy in being able to observe that fewer attempts at smuggling have been made during the past autumn than were ever known on this part of the coast—Brigh- ion Herald. "

The Town Hall now building at Birmingham, will be of most ample dimensions.. The length will be 140 feet—width 65—height 65. In this noble apartment, the Musical Festivals will be held; with one or two exceptions it will be the largest and finest music-room in Europe. One end will be occupied by an organ of immense power ; in height this instrument will be about forty feet, and in breadth about thirty. The building will have a fine effect when viewed from New Street. —Leamington Spa Courier..

We can assure our readers with the utmost sincerity, that one of the speediest, if not the very first measures of the new Parliament, will be a repeal of the AssessedTaxes ; and we can also state, from the most unim- peachable authority, that the surveyors of taxes in the different districts have already received a notification from head-quarters not to. press the riyment of arrears already clue.,-Brighton Gazette.

The woollen and stuff trade of Yorkshire continues in a preisperous -condition. The demand is very good; but the prices offered are low, and scarcely adequate to the remuneration of the manufacturer.-- Halifiir Express. [This is a somewhat contradictory statement.] We announced a meeting of the band-loom weavers in our last, for the purpose of resisting a charge of 6d. per week per loom, made by

the masters, The meeting took place on Tuesday evening, when a series of resolutions wete adopted expressive of determined opposition; to the demand, and declaring that any weaver acceding to it will be considered an enemy to the trade.—Manchester Advertiser.

Some of the timbers in :the north front of Windsor Castle have been found to be in an extreme state of decay, which is apprehended. to be extensive. A thorough examination is now going forward, pre- liminary to. a general repair of the floors in that part of the building__ Windsor Express.

The steam-carriage constructed by Messrs. Heaton, of birmingham, made a short journey on the Hales Owen road on Friday, in order to try the power of a new boiler in generating steam, and which, we un- derstand, performed its office most satisfactorily. The lack of steam,. which is an evil hitherto common to all the locomotive steam carriages when put to considerable speed for some distance, appears now to be

obviated ; and the performance of a long journey in reasonable time by these carriages cannot remain much longer an uncertainty. The car- riage started from the manufactory in Shadvvell Street, and proceeded. up Great Charles Street Hill at the rate of five miles an hour. It afterwards increased its speed, and on its way to Hazlewood went fre- quently at the rate of ten miles an hour. Its average rate of travel- ling, however, seemed to be about eight miles per hour ; and this it performs with great safety and certainty along all roads.—Birminghavi- Gazette.

In November, at —, near —, there was a collection for the Dispensary at —, when the sum of 71. 15s. UV. was collected. The Churchwarden gave the money to the Minister, the Reverend , and said that be could give what he thought proper; and. at the same time desired to know whether be (the Warden) should take it to the bank, or whether he (the Minister) would. The Clergyman said he would take it. The Warden, thinking that he would not give, much, went to the bank to know how much was added ; when he found the Reverend — had just made it up 71. 16s.; thus contributing, one ha .1fpenny. This clergyman has two livings, besides being Curate of —' his father has three livings, besides being Vicar of and does duty at neither, but constantly resides in London. It is need- less to add that both father and son are serviles. [The Birmingham Journal, from whom we quote this anecdote, curious if true, heads it " Clerical Generosity ;" but why "clerical ?" Would not the pitiful. rapscallion have equally acted as he did, had he worn a red coat instead Of a black one ? These things are of the essence of the man, not of the accident of his craft.] On Thursday sennight, Mrs. Caird (late Miss Campbell, of whom so much has been written) exhibited her "miraculous powers" before- an audience at Bethell Chapel, West Street, Brighton. The Reverend. Mr. Caird, her husband, had proceeded about half way through his sermon, when he seemed spell-bound by the "tongue" of his wife; who uttered sounds such as would puzzle us to describe, and at intervals. broke out into exclamations—" Flee from the wrath to come, flee to the blood of Christ." It would be vain to attempt to describe the terror of the congregation ; many rushed from their pews, whilst others fainted and were carried out. Not so Mr. Caird, similar gifts having before been vouchsafed to his wife: be mildly rested his head upon hia hand, and looked with calm benignity upon the audience. The " tongues" having ceased, the reverend gentleman was about to proceed,. but the congregation being reduced so much, he postponed his discourse, but gave notice of his intention to preach on the following nighr; when,. having expressed his thanks for the gift which had been vouchsafed, he exhorted the congregation, if a similar manifestation should take place,. to remain as quiet as possible.—Sun.

On Monday night, as Lord Ebrington was going from Tavistock to Endsleigh, the seat of the Duke of Bedford, at the foot of Milemeadt Hill, his Lordship's attention was attracted to what he thought Was a man in a state of intoxication lying in the road. His Lordship imme- diately told his servant to alight and remove the poor fellow, to prevent. his being driven over' when the unfortunate man was found to be in a lifeless state. His Lordship, with the most prompt consideration, di- rected the servant to take the horse from the gig, and return to Tavis- tock for assistance ; his Lordship remaining with the corpse until assis- tance was procured. The deceased was the only son of Mr. Fry, of' Launceston, horse-dealer, and was returning from Tavistock Fair, with. his horses; and it is supposed had fallen from the horse he was riding, and expired. He had a large sum of money on his person, and has left a wife and three children.—Devonport Telegraph. A sailor named Johnston, and his wife, on tramp towards Liverpool, were passing through the village of Plumpton, about five miles on_ this side of Penrith, when the poor woman was suddenly taken in la- bour, which obliged her to sit down by the road-side. Her condition was most destitute, having scarcely sufficient clothing to cover her. Herhusband almost distracted, seeing two persons passing by, called to them, and implored them to direct him to the Overseer, by whom he hoped to be provided with a place of shelter for his suffering wife. It so happened that the Overseer's house was nearly opposite the place where they were ; and the poor man immediately conveyed his wife thither, represented her pitiable case, and craved such relief as its ur- gency required. But his solicitations were set at nought ; the Overseer. ordered both the man and his wife out of the house; and this not being. at once complied with, he called his man-servant to put them out.. The Overseer then desired his servant to yoke a horse to a cart, and' take the poor woman and her husband as quickly as possible towards- Penrith ; which was done, and the paupers turned out upon the road- side on Carlisle Brow, almost a mile from Penrith! Proceeding into. the town—to reach which occupied two hours—they were metby the police-officer ; who, on learning the woman's condition, humanely, her to a lodging-house and .sent, for a doctor, and in about two. hours afterwards she was delivered of a dead child.—Carlisle Patriot. On Saturday night, while some labouring men were enjoying them-. selves it a beer-shop at Amstead-market, a village about five miles east. of Colchester, a quarrel ensued relative to the pretensions and politics

of the respective candidates for the county and borough. From words the parties came to blows ; and during the conflict, a brickmaket, named Wellins, struck Thomas Dines, a man of sixty years of age, a violent blow on the head with a stable bucket, which fractured it in a frightful manner; the unfortunate man was carried home in a state of insensi- bility, and died on Monday evening.

On Saturday night last week, as William Parsons, of Coleford, in the parish of Kilmersdon, was returning from Frome, where he had sold his coal, he was precipitated from the bridge at Vobster, ereete over the canal, and himself and the horse were both killed.—Buil (Chronicle.

Last week, three poachers were committed to Salop Gaol, charged With shooting at the. gamekeeper of Sir Edward Blount. The affair took place near Mawley. Some of the shots entered one of the keep- er's eyes, and he has lost the sight of it. Hopes are entertained of his secovery.— Worcester Journal.

A convict escaped from the Captivity hulk on Sunday morning Vast week], and has not yet been heard of. It appears it was his duty to light the fires on board : for that purpose he got up by five o'clock in the morning, and taking advantage-of the darkness, it being also very stormy and rainy weather, he lowered a boat, got into it, and 'drifted down to „Mutton Cove, where he moored the boat, got on shore, :and walked off.—Deronport Telegraph..