15 DECEMBER 1838, Page 2

The City of London Corporation Reform Society held a meeticg

on Thuisday evening, at the Guildhall Tavern. The abuses of the coal-trade, and the heavy tax upon coals imposed by the City Govern- ment, were the chief topics of discussion.

On Wednesday, Mr. Martin Tucker Smith was elected a Director of the East India Company, in the room of Sir James Rivett Comae.

The mutual cattle. show of the Smithfield Club, of which Earl Spencer is President, took place on Thursday. The exhibition of beasts was more 1111,11CrOlIS and of finer quality than ha: been known for many years. The prizes were distributed by the judges. Several parish meetings have been held to oppose the delivery of lettets on Sunday • tool °it Thm•sday a rcquisition was presented to the Lord Mayor to call a meeting of the Common Council to consider the subject. 'lime Lord Mayor said, lie won't' appoint an early day : the proposed al t era ti on was " decididly opposed to the feelings and taste of the people of 1.ondon." The consol'il:Hon of tht• General and Twopenny Post recei ving- houses took 1:1 let' This is tt vast improvement MI the old systetn, amid a ,aeing to the public bruit hi of time and expense. For- inch ly, persunis wishing to pin .t a letter for the General Post-office had oftee to walk it quarter of it mile, or put it into the Twopeeny Post- office, increasing the charge twopence, or pay the postman one penny for each letter after five o'clock. At present all the receiving -houses are placed on the same footing ex?ept three, one in Oxford Street, an- other in Corithill, and a third at Uniting Cross, where post-paid letters cannot be received.—Globe.