15 DECEMBER 1866, Page 2

At the annual meeting of the Royal .Agrienitural Society of

England held on Wednesday, a discussion was commenced as to the best method of -keeping labourers on the land, a _discussion which will go on for the next twenty years, increasing in import- ance-every year. All the speakers stated the difficulty in the same way, that the usual wages no longer tempted -the labourer, -who emigrated or -wandered away, and that the wages could not be raised. Many opinions were offered, varying from-Mr.-Simons', who said farmers could not pay any more—whiehmay be quite_isrnerand yet meaningless—to Mr. Lawsonla, who gives his labourers one-tenth of his own profits. The-general opinion, however, was infavourof the plan we have so often-recommended, of giving each _labourer, or allowing him to hire, a-moderate piece of groundtocultivate for himself. ' This will not permanently meet the evil, whichtcan be cured only by much better pay for much more acientific•work, but it void content -the unedaeated:hinds of this generation, who know little of America, and -would give the lastmens-time to accommodate themselves, and -to compel the landlords to accom- modate themselves also, to -the coming ,order -of .thin. Mr. Simons may protest as -much ea.he likes, but Ieducated labourers Will not stay in this eonntry on 10s, a week, and as _the-5,414ft away the whole system -must -collapse.