15 DECEMBER 1877, Page 1


THE war has entered into a new phase, for Osman Pasha has sur- rendered. According to an account by the correspondent of the -Times with the Russian head-quarters,the Turkish General had still three weeks' provisions, when an epidemic broke out in his army, -probably from the frightful state of his hospitals, and he resolved to break out towards Widdin. Leaving Plevna, therefore, on the night of the 9th, he made on the morning of the 10th a ter- rific attack upon the Russian lines west of the Vid, and carried the first series of redoubts. There was still, however, a second line to carry,—a regiment of Grenadiers of the Russian Guard flung back the assailants with heavy Ioss on both sides, reinforcements came hurrying up, and after six hours of desperate fighting, Osman gave the order to return to Plevna. It was, however, too late. A deserter had informed the Roumanians that Plevna was deserted, and a Russo-Roumanian division, occupying the position, took Osman's force in rear. Completely surrounded, with five thousand dead and himself wounded, further contest would have been mas- sacre, and Osman Pasha surrendered unconditionally.