15 DECEMBER 1877, Page 26


Flute Tutor. (Howard and Co.)—The elementary portion, including notation, time, keys, marks of expression, &c., in this work, are admir- ably explained. The fingering of the chromatic scale is of the old type, which, beyond doubt, may bo altered to groat advantage, especi- ally for the ordinary eight-keyed flute. As a single example, we would instance the unsatisfactory tone produood by the given table, viz., closed fingering for the upper E natural, 1, 2, 5, 0, which must be acknowledged fiat. It has often puzzled many professors of this in- strument why the compilers of flute-tutors should not finger this note 1, 2, 4, 5, with D sharp key closed, which method gives a note far more perfectly in tune. Tho melodies savour much of the kind universally seen in this species of instruction-books, and in this respect we cannot com- pliment the publishers on their choice. The prevailing fault in uoarly all the collections to bo met with for this instrument is that the airs are undoubtedly set in too low a key for the practice or pleasure of the student. Messrs. Howard's book, however, is, as a whole, very far above the average, and from its reasonable price, even for its elementary information slime, would be an acceptable and useful book.