15 DECEMBER 1894, Page 16



["Mr. Watson has taken his place on a level with Matthew Arnold and Tenny. .on. 1f not with Wordsworth."—Extract from a review of Odes and ether Poems, 111 the SpeCtator of December 8th, ].E84.j WE, who can not, and yet who fain would, sing

In those rare moments when God's world is seen In its unclouded beauty, we, the mean And voiceless vassals of thy realm, do bring Our homage to thy throne, 0 new-crowned King !

We knew thy lineage in thy voice and mien, Felt thou must reign, when first thine armour's sheen Lit all the tourney,—knew the blade's true ring.

The "dreaming generation" hails thee now True heir of our immortal poet-line,-- What if no formal laurel twines thy brow?

The Poet-Kingship by acclaim is thine : And the dead Lords of Song from their high place

Look down content, and own thee of their race.

0. E W. SLADE.