15 DECEMBER 1928, Page 13

Country Life


An agricultural survey, of a quite novel sort, has been devised by the thoughtful and ingenious authorities of the Oxford Agricultural Institute, which concerns itself with practical research into the profit and loss of farming. A persOnal letter has been addressed to members of the Land Ag6ts' Society in every part of England, asking them certain key questions. The letter begins with a confession of the general depression in agriculture : " We have been increasingly concerned at the accounts received from all over the country of the plight of the farmer under present conditions." It goes on to hint that if some districts are down in the dumps, others are at least moderately prosperous. The conclusion is reached that if certain basic facts can be collected and col- lated, we shall know just where the depression is and on what sort of land or unit. Such a diagnosis would be a half-way house to a remedy.

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