15 DECEMBER 1928, Page 13


The questions are few. What is the acreage ? What the rent ? What proportion grass or arable ? What the general type of production ? But the point on which special emphasis is laid in the letter accompanying the questionnaire is the letting of the farm. " It seems to us that the best index of farming fortune would be afforded by notices to quit and by requests for reduction of rent." A special effort is being made to get in the returns at once, for the matter is urgent, and the value of such a practical survey will depend a good deal on Its speed. The questionnaire is being sent to selected people all over the country ; but it might be doing a service if those who can supply any information would get and fill up the simple card now being sent out. Writing without any authority whatever, I should say that the Director of the Agricultural Economics Research Institute, Parks Road, Oxford, would be glad of such eo-operation.

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