15 DECEMBER 1928, Page 2

Bolivia and Paraguay have, severed diploniatic relations, and when we

write there is a possibility of war. The dispute began over the question- of boundaries, and a clash occurred on Thursday, December 6th, between the rival troops, in which several Bolivians, including two officers, were killed. Bolivia rejected the proposal of Paraguay that an arbitrator should be appointed. Six thousand Bolivian youths offered- to. enlist' at once, and a crowd outside the President's palace cried out " We want war I Death to Paraguay ! " The President, however, urged them to be calm; and it is hoped that his efforts may be successful. The Council of the League of Nations held two secret 'sessions on Tuesday, as a result of which M. Briand telegraPhed to the two Governments reminding them that as members of the League their countries have promised to settle their disputes peacefully. It seems that this reminder " crossed " with communications from Bolivia and Paraguay laying their cases before the League. The latest reports suggest that the Bolivian delegates who withdrew from the Conference on Tuesday will re-enter it soon.

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