15 DECEMBER 1961, Page 15

SIR,—There are now 3,000 homeless families in London and more

than 1,000 children have had to be taken from their parents and put in institutions because they had nowhere to live. With the intention of expressing Christian concern and rousing the public conscience the Bishops of London and Southwark have organised a torchlight procession for next Sunday, December 17, which will leave St, Paul's at 3.45 p.m. and arrive at Southwark Cathedral at 4.20 p.m. where carols will be sung. The Bishops feel that 'only if public opinion is really convinced that some-

thing must be done can the authorities, who are doing their best, feel that they have the necessary backing for the urgent measures which are required.' They are hoping that as many people as possible will join the procession.