15 DECEMBER 1973, Page 5


Sir: You published in June 1972 a letter in which I supported (but, I hope. with more charity) the complaint of another correspondent about the element of bad-tempered bossiness which had at that time crept in Mrs Vandyke Price's usually admirable articles.

In fairness, I must be equally quick to congratulate you and Mrs Vandyke Price on her article (December I) about the incomparable Mrs Elizabeth David. It was a warm and generous tribute as between one professional and another, and, in its entire lack of even faint deprecation, a lesson to the many pundits who contrive to insert barbed parentheses into every appraisal of their fellow-experts. It was also a complete justification of the phrase in my earlier letter — "At her best, she can write like an angel . . ." and no one could be happier about this than

P. C. Knights 43 Park Way, Pound Hill, Crawley, Sussex