15 DECEMBER 1990, Page 30

Williams, deceased

Sir: I am at a loss to help Allan Massie, who has been dreaming (Diary, 8 Decem- ber) of obituaries in the Independent. In the four years since the newspaper began publishing, we have published obituaries of the following members of the Williams clan: A.R.O. (mining engineer), Aubrey (artist), Emlyn (actor), Gilbert (architect), Kenneth (actor), Leonard (animal be- haviourist, guitarist) and Raymond (cultu- ral historian).

Could he be confusing the Revd Harry Williams with the Very Revd Harold Wil- liams, former Provost of Coventry? We published his obituary on 11 April.

James Fergusson

Obituaries Editor, The Independent, 40 City Road, London EC1