15 FEBRUARY 1834, Page 10


STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY ArTEnNtueL The English Stock Alarket has been nearly deserted during the week ; and the interest has been almost entirely centred in the various Foreign Stocks, which recently have become objects of speculation. The business in Consols and the other British Securities has been very trifling. On Tuesday, the !:rice for Account was as low ;is 1:91; the closing price of to-day is per cent. higher,

viz. ateli Money still contimues very abundant.

In the Foreign Market, the transactions have been on a very extensive scale, not only in Spanish and Portuguese Bonds, but also in Alexwan, and the other South American Securities. As we anticipated in our last, the rumours of the recognition of the Cortes Bonds, and the negotiation of a loan by the lmu,e of Hope and Co. of Amsterdam, turn out to be complete fabrica- tion.: the high !tiers also at which it was stated these Bonds were in Am- sterdam, appear also to have been falsified, as, instead of 34 or 37, be mice has never lee; above 23. itud at the last advices, had experienced a considerable decline. In Paris, the quotation has not at all kept pace with our rise; the hieilest point to which the Bonds have risen being 25h, and the closing tine of Wednesday 2,11,. The letters from Paris received this morning state, that the leree party which exists there against the Queen's government, is daily strength- ened by the accession of several of the Liberals. They also represent the present Ministry asdelicient in the power and means requisite to bring about the reforms by Sr hieb alone Spain can be regenerated, mid are not at all sanguine upon the future ptespects of the Pel.instil•i. The recliguithar of the Cortes debt is, howaver, consideled certain on the Bourse of Paris; but the capitalists dime have not eameil so exalted an idea of the resources al that country is our speculators.

Spanish thin l., wididt tin Saturday wt re ail, On Monday heel to ; they

have sitter and Walla till this high pt lee in the lee 4,!' tilt; decline bolt at ;':iris and Ain terstla'm ; and dose this :alert:evil ptir•dias,s 11101:•y have liven ereeer than tbear0ttj ; ;toil the ti..-spatch et howls to the Continent. !licit took idle,• in the tit part of this week and the 1:111,,T easel of last, has cleared off a coas;dem quartile.; of Stock. The Builds of the l'orteguese lfeueney Loan have contitunsl all the week, and have been to-day at 701, closing at 70 > ; being an implovernent of nearly 5 per cent. Brazilian Bonds were on Aionday at 76, but soon declined again, and ;cave oil to. day at 7:3. The prices of Alexican and Columbian Bonds have not been niaiataiuod ; the forum has been at 314, in consequence of intelligence having beee received of some insurrectionary movement in Mexico on the part of Gene- ral Beevo ; but as the accounts appear to have been exaggerated, the price has again improved, and is now 404 Columbian Bonds have fallen from 27 to a5, and are again at 25-.1. A trilling dentand for Dutch Bonds occurred on Monday and 'Tuesday ; but the markets have since given way ; the 24 per Cents. close to-day at 50 A. Russian Bonds are at 1051, and very scarce. Bel- gian Bonds are also scarce, although the transactions in them have been few; the price is 971 The Bonds of the last Greek Loan have been in request for investment ; several purchases have been effected at 105 and 11151; and when • the' low price of this security is coneidercil, we are surprised that these invest- ments have not been more extensive. The first dividend will become payable on the 1st of next mouth.


Consols have been S9, 3 for Account, but have since declined to ts94 As has been usual, the Foreign Funds are the favorites for speculation, and the English Securities are quite neglected. Both Spanish and Portuguese Securi- tios are again in demand ; the latter at about 2 per cent. advance on the closing pi ic:s of yesterday. We are not aware that this improvement is owila; to the arrival of any layout abie intelligence from Poi tugal, but has been occasioned by purchases made (us we suppoie) from the conviction that the cause of Don Mi ;tud is hopeless. It is even reported that he has agreed to retire from the cenie-t. The katers trout Finis of Thursday quote Cortes Bonds at 2.t, which is nearly at the same tinteation as the closing one of weimeelay. Tae Beads here re at It is reported that the Committee of Iltindh(ld. as are to have an Man view to-day with the Spanish Ambassador, M. VIAL, On the sub- j it Of the recognitiot of the which has tended to keep alive the lupus or speculatots. The South American Stocks are nearly at yesterday's prices. 3 per Cent. Con,ols 'J3 f Dutch tlt per Cents.

Lutio tor Account 894 I French:I per Cents (leech, 1.833. 5 per Cents New 3,1 per Cent. Annuities 117,,

Bank t2l4} 15 Mexican 6 per Cents 4ael ludic Stock C45 Portuguese 5 per Cents Do. Regency t'erip 5per Cent 711 *

Relies:quer Bills