15 FEBRUARY 1834, Page 2

From Spain nothing of importance has been received. The in-

surrection in the North certainly does not lose ground. It is now said that the Cortes will be immediately convoked, in two Cham- bers —the first to be chosen by the people resident in towns having six thousand inhabitants and upwards ; the second to consist of one hundred members to be nominated by the Government. We men tion this merely as a report of the day.

The Baron DE WESSENBURG, the Austrian Minister to the Con- ference on the affairs of the Netherlands, has been recalled. It is said that Lord PALMERSTON'S refusal to reopen the discussion has been the cause of his departure. The Belgians seem pleased with the existing state of things. If the Dutch are dissatisfied, let them compel their obstinate old Monarch to listen to reasonable terms of accommodation.