15 FEBRUARY 1851, Page 10



Money has become much scarcer. In the early part of the week it was taken on call in Lombard Street at 2t per cent; today, 4 per cent has been given in the Stock Exchange upon the security of Consols. No alteration has occurred in the Bank rate of discount. The English Funds have been heavy during the whole week ; and this morning, when the small majority in favour of Ministers last night in the House of Commons became known, Consols for Money fell to 96k. A trifling reaction has since occurred : the closing price this afternoon is 96,1 a for Money and 961 k for Account. The transactions of the week have been more extensive than usual, and the ge- neral preponderance of sellers has caused the flatness of the market already noticed.

In the Foreign Market, the fluctuations of Spanish Stock have been con- siderable, and some extensive transactions have occurred in it. The Five per Cents Active Stock have been as high as 21—an advance of 2 per cent since last week. The advices, however, recently received from Madrid having brought intelligence of considerable opposition in the Cortes to the Ministerial plan for the conversion of the Debt, speculation in this stock has received a check : the price during the settlement of the account today was as low as 191, but closes about per cent higher. Mexican Stock has been steady. The South American Bonds are also without material change. The Russian Four-and-a-half and Five per Cent Bonds, together with the Dutch Two-and-a-half and Four per Cent Stocks, are in good demand nearly at our last quotations.

The Railway mania (for it can scarcely be called by any other name) still continues. Almost every description of share is higher today than last week ; and the tendency of the market is still upwards, notwithstanding the pres- sure for money that occurred upon the settlement of the Account today ; in- terest at the rate of from 10 to 20 per cent per annum having been given by the speculators to carry over shares till the next account. The transactions in Foreign Shares have not been extensive ; but prices are generally higher. The principal business has occurred in Paris and Strasburg, which have ad- vanced about 108. per share. Vierzon (Central of France) have also improved in nearly the same degree.

The rate of exchange upon Paris this afternoon was rather higher— namely, 24 97i: upon Holland, lower, with a good demand for bills.

SATURDAY TWELVE o'cLocx. The English Funds opened at an advance of per cent upon yesterday's prices, the large majority in favour of Ministers last night having given firmness to the market : the present quotation of Consols is 961 1 for Money and 961 1 for Account. There is no material change in the Foreign Market. The Share Market is firm at the prices of yesterday ; the following are the principal bargains recorded-Caledonian, 121; Chester and Holyhead, 201 ; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 331 4; Great Western, soi 90 ex div.; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 581; Brighton, 971 7. The French Shares are flatter, both Stocks and Shares having experienced a trifthig decline in Paris yesterday.


The English Funds close at a decline of 1 per cent upon the opening price. The market is heavy at the current quotations, in consequence of a prepon- derance of money sales; Consols are 961 1 for Money and 96a 1 for Account. There is no material change in the Foreign Market, where the business has been confined to the following transactions-Brazilian, 92; Ditto Small, 93 ; Mexican, 331 1 1 ; Peruvian, 801; Ditto Deferred, 36; Spanish Active, 19 1-; Ditto Passive, 41, ; Belgian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 911; Dutch Four per Cents, 91 /. The Railway Share Market gave way in the morning, but has since re- covered, most of the principal Shares having advanced in the afternoon. The following are the principal bargains recorded-Aberdeen, 131 1 1; Amber- gate, Notts, and Boston, 31; Caledonian, 121 1 1 / ; Chester and Holyhead, 201 4. 1 1; Ditto Preference, yol 16; Eastern Counties, 71 1; Ditto New Preference 6 per Cent, 111 # ; East Lancashire, 141 131; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 331 4; Great Northern, 181 18; Great Western, 90k 901 ; Lan- cashire and Yorkshire, 581 91; Ditto Fifths, 41 ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 971 7 81 ; London and Greenwich, 111; London and North- western, 1321 1 3 1; Ditto New Quarter-shares, 221 31 ; Ditto Fifths, 171 18; London and South-western, 90 4 I 90; Midland, 611 2 1 21; Ditto 50/. Shares, 191 1 ; North British, 91i 1; Ditto Preference, 51; North Staffordshire, 111 11; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 19 181 7; South-eastern and Dover, 261 51 1; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 21 204; York and North Midland, 241 / ; Boulogne and Amiens, 91h; Central of France, (Orleans and Vierzon,) 17 161; Namur and Liege, 814; Northern of France, 151; Rouen and Havre, 101 11; Tours and Nantes, 5.1 ex

Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents 78 80 581 9 Ditto 4 per Cents 91 2 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 33 1 1 Peruvian 6 per Cents 80 8 Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842. 334 4 Portusceese 5 per Cents 1824. 78 80 Russ.. 5 per Cents 113 114 Ditto 41 per Cents 974 8 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 19 4 204 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 371 81 Venezuela 30 2

London and Westminster, 271.

$ per Cent Consols 97 4 i Ditto for Account 97i 4

3 per Cent Reduced 97A 34 pr Cents 984 9 Long Annuities 7 11-16 13-16 Bank Stock 2144 151 Exchequer Bills 52 57 pm.

India Stock - Brazilian 5 per Cents 91 3 Belgian 44 per Cents 90 2 Chilian 6 per Cents 104 6 Danish 5 per Cents 102 4