15 FEBRUARY 1851, Page 7

Cly Court.

THE Queen held a Court and Privy Council at Windsor Castle on Tues- day. At the Council, her Majesty pricked the list of Sheriffs for the counties of England and Wales. At the Court, her Majesty gave au- dience to a deputation from the Protestant Dissenting Ministers of the Three Denominations; to Lords Levin, Dormer, and Vaux of Harrowden; to the Marquis of Lansdowne and Lord John Russell. The Duke of Newcastle had also an audience, and delivered to the Queen the ensigns of the Order of the Garter worn by the late Duke his father. A dejedner was served to the Ministers and Officers of State and to the Protestant Ministers.

The Royal Family returned to Buckingham Palace on Wednesday af- ternoon. The Queen and Prince Albert honoured the Lyceum Theatre with their presence on Thursday evening. The Duchess of Kent arrived in town from Frogmore on Thursday, and on the same day visited the Duchess of Gloucester, at Gloucester House.

The Duke of Cambridge visited Prince Albert at Buckingham Palace on Thursday. The Duchess and the Princess Mary of Cambridge came to town on Saturday, and paid a visit to the Duchess of Gloucester.