15 FEBRUARY 1868, Page 2

Sir Robert Carden writes to the Times to explain why

he recently sent 51 beggars to prison in one week. He says 4 men and 12 women were cripples, 8 men and 4 women were idiots or incapables, 7 men. and 5 women so bad in character that they could get no work, 4 men and 6 women incorrigible impostors. They were all kindly treated in Holloway Prison under special

orders, and most of them were sent home to their friends after their short durance at public expense. One beggar was found to be in possession of 26/. a year, and Sir Robert tells a story of a woman who had previously been brought before him who had saved 1,200/. by begging, and begged hard to be allowed to go on till she had 50/. a year. We see no necessity for Sir R. Carden's defence. His business is to carry out the law, which declares wisely that, in a country with a poor law, begging is an offence.