15 FEBRUARY 1919, Page 3

The New Illustrated—one of Lord Northcliffe's papers with a not

very grammatical title—publishes an article by Lord North- cliffe himself on Mr. Lloyd George. Lord Northcliffe writes absurdly enough of Mr. Balfour, Mr. Long, Mr. Austen Chamber- lain, and Mr. Boner Law as " Tories " who could never be brought willingly to embrace such social reforms as are desired by the soldiers now returning to civil life. Examining the question whether Mr. Lloyd George is strong enough to force social reform upon these " Tories," Lord Northoliffe gives the following description of Mr. Lloyd George :— " Is he not by temperament a political chameleon, taking on the colour of the views of those who at the moment happen to be his associates 7 Did not his daily changes of opinion during the recent election campaign make it clear, to anyone who has closely studied his political personality, that he waits for the newspapers to tell him what to do, and advances his opinions under pressure of their criticism ? "