15 FEBRUARY 1975, Page 3

Tory future

Sir: After a very brief period of rejoicing for the departure of Edward

Heath, I the

eagerly scanned eagerly scanned neWsPapers and television screen to see What reward we were to receive for our Period of long-suffering. Dear Heavens, how embarrassing! Th L ose dreadful, smirking interviews, tue self-advertising of 'peculiar' (or in rne cases 'particular') qualities — perhaps Sir perforGeoffrey Howe's Mance rated the biggest X certificate for horror — the foolish smiles, the washing-up pictures and self-consciously posed family groups! While accepting that the choice ot Leader rests solely with the MPs. I know many people whose votes they will seek at the next general election will join me in hoping that, once the referendum has brought about the rejection of Mr Heath's greatest achievement, a rapprochement will be possible between the Conservatives and their traditional allies, the Ulster Unionists (and may they be forgiving!) strengthening both and bringing to his rightful position the greatest Tory of them all. We need star quality. He has got it.

Bee Carthew Bee Carthew

B Flat, 7 Park Road, East Twickenham. Middlesex