15 JANUARY 1831, Page 16


- - BEwnEEY.—We are informed by Lord LY t I LETON, that the elec- tors of Bewdley and Mr. ROBERTS are perfectly independent. His Lord- ship appeals to his public conduct, to show how impossible itis that he should have exercised any sort of political influence over Mr. ROBERTS. He adds; that that gentlerriazi is not a banker ; that the electors of Bewdley are not 13 only, but 4o; and that all are of good substance, and some of them gentlemen of considerable property. WEYMOUTH AND MeLCOMDE REGIS—The system of creating votes on fractional parts of freeholds, as stated in our last note under this head, was pin an end to in consequence of a report of a Committee of the House of Commons in 1813. An Act of Parliament was passed in that year, extending the operation of the statute of King William against fraudulent conveyances, intended to Multiply freeholds and divide the interest in them, to cases where such multiplication or division of interest in • freeholds are made • by devise with the saneobject. Since that Act was passed (April; 1813), the right of voting in Weymouth and Melcombe Regis has been only in persons seized of real freeholds within the borough, and corporators. The correspondent who calls our attention to these particulars adds, that the electors of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis areuntainted with corruption. Another correspondent, who thinks " money" improperly charapterizes the prevailing, influence this 'bonnigh, informs uS of the-folloWing arrangeinent. Many years ago, the-independent- freeholders conic to the resolution of opposing the Johnstone influence, and they did oppose it. on repeated occasions. After several severe contests,. which caused a heavy expenditure, the trustees of Sir GEonot F. JOHNSTONE were induced 0) come to an arrange- ment with the independent freeholders, that during the minority of .Sir GEORGE, the trustees should nominate two ofthe members, and the town the other two. The first two chosen on the part of the town were Mr. W.- iirii.s.rAms and .Mr. T. F. BexTON ; and so continued until the re- tirement of the former gentleman,whi, has been succeeded by Sir. EDWARD SUCIDEN, on the same 'interest. Sir G. F. JOHNSTONE will attain his majority nest January. • GLABIORGANSUIRE.—NO attempt was ever n.ale by Mr. EnwAnns to displace Mr.•TAI.Eo'r, 'who was returned for tbe first time at the late general election, and that without opposition. On the death, in 1816 or 1817, of the late Mr. HALL, who represented the county for several -Years; Sir CHRISTOPHER COLE, who married Lady MARY TALBOT, the !mother of Mr. TALnoT, was elected as representative of the comity and sat for a short. time. • At the next general election, he was opposed by Mr. IlowAnns, the present member for Wells, and who was formerly an attorney in London; and although Sir C. COLE was supported by all the gentlemen of the county, except Sir C. MouesAN, Mr. EDWARDS was returned by the freeholders. Mr. EnwAnns sat for a short time only; for, having given some offence to his constituents, he was turned out at the next election, and Sir C. COLE was again returned by a large majority. From that time, Sir CHRISTOPHER represented Glamorgan- shire without opposition, until he thought fit to withdraw, last year, to make way for the son of his wife, through whom he derived all his influence in the county. Another correspondent states, that the pre- infinedee• is' &tided between the Marquis of BnTE and the TAE- BOTS ; and that the Marquis's influence predorninstes. He says, the Contested election, which terminated 14 throwing out Mr. EDWARDS, • -cias•a trial of strength by the former, with his money, and by engaging nearly the whole of the lawyers on his side against the interests pf the Marquis of BUTE and the TAr.noTs, *assisted by a subscription entered into by the whole of the wealth and respectability of the county. The freeholders, he adds, are decidedly Liberal; and no member who voted ,solely for Government would be member for more than one session. BRIDGE WATER.—If the statement of one of our correspondents be ,correct, we fear we must still further reduce the number of boroughs which we accounted pure. ." Bridgewater," he says, "is represented (in the ANATOMY) as an open, almost an honest, borough. You are not aware; I am sure,-of the nature of the influence exercised there by Mr. AST EL L, one of the members. A person, resident in Bridgewater, told me, a few months ago, that every voter in the town has-one or more sons, or other relatives, provided for by Mr. ASTELL with situa- tions in the India House, or in India ; that it is a regular business affair between Mr.. ASTELL and the voters, who demand' appoint- ments • in return' for their vote, itithe true trading spirit. As afurther .corroboration,1 have to•niention having Met With the Captain of an East India ship, who told me, that he has never yet sailed without having Bridgewater persons to carry out, either as cadets, or officers, or some appointments or other, which he attributed to Mr.ASTELL'S


terference as Chairman,—as indeed the parties came by official command, for which he and all about him had no reso. urce.but rispectfuT submis- sion."

GLoucEstEn.—It is said that Mr. PHILLPOTTS, the member for this place, obtained his seat by professing Liberal principles ; but the first vote he gave was in favour of the Duke of WELLINGTON'S Government on the Civil List, for which he was burnt in effigy by his constituents, and will never be returned again for Gloucester. (The burning in effigy, we remember, was contradicted in sotne country newspaper.) CARDIFF.—This borough, with its contributory members, a corre- spondent remarks, is 'certainly under the influence of Lord BuTE ; but as the voters amount to from 1200 to 1500, it can hardly be called a close borough. Another correspondent computes the voters at 2500. In short, under the present system, it is impossible to ascertain the

actual number. We must have the voters registered, as in Ireland. A

" Freeholder of Glamorgan" states, that the contributory boroughs Lan. trissent, Cowbridye, and Nealh, containing about 1500 voters, are to a cer.

tain extent in the interest of the Marquis (1f. Be TE, from the popularity of his brother, Lord JAstEs STUART, the present member ; and that Ahem- yen, Kenfig, and Lougher, are in the interest of the Margum family (the TALBOTS) ; the two list places containing about 200 voters, under the influence of the Duke of BEAUFORT. He adds, it is not correct to call Cardiff a close borough, as the nominee of no party, unless of Liberal principles' would be returned ; and he denies that, excepting on one oc- casion, when a violent but successful spirit of animosity against a nomi- nee of the Duke of BEAUFORT (who was supposed to have the interest also of the Marquis of BuTE) was roused, and " the Welsh blood was up," that such scenes as were described in a former note have been ex- hibited there.

BRECON.—The suffrage of this borough is in the capital burgesses only. The nuMber is about 20.

MustmouTIISHIRE.—A correspondent thinks that our observations un- der the head of" Monmouth," would lead to the supposition that Sir C.

MORGAN owes his seat for the county to his support of the Duke's nomi-

nee for the boroughs. He adds, "In the year 1807, Sir C. MonoaN was supported by so preponderating a portion of the county, that his friends might have carried both seats in opposition to the Duke of

BEAU toriT ; but since that time, something like a tacit understand- ing has existed between them in the county, under which each takes

one seat ; but at this moment the interest of the Duke has been so much strengthened by a judicious use of his powers as Lord-Lieu- tenant, and by the assiduous devotion of his second son, the present member, to the business of the 'county, that in case of any division between his Grace and Sir C. illostoAx, I question if the Duke's in- terest would not prove rather the best."

MoNmou To.—Nearly, the whole of this boroughs is the property of Sir CHARLES MO naam, who supports the Duke's nominee, without any reference to the politics of the county. The last decision of the House

of Commons on the right of voting in the Monmouthshire boroughs, took place in 1680; and although the declaration of the. Committee is not

free from ambiguity, it has always been customary to mean " burgesses being inhabitants," not " burgesses and inhabitants," as stated in our

Tables. It is said they do not exceed 400, •

HE RE FORD.•-•It is said that Lord EASTNOR has been usually returned at a trifling expense ; and during the life of the late Mr. SeuDAMORE

there was no opposition, one Of the Members representing the Whig

interest, and the other the Tory. On the death of Mr. SCUDAMORE, a contest took place between Mr. BLAKE MORE, supported by the Clergy,

and Mr. CLIvE, supported by the Whigs; when, after a severe struggle, Mr. Ctive was elected by a very smolt majority. Upwaeds of 20,0001. was spent in that contest on both sides, but net in bribing the voters. Our correspondent thinks the influence should not be stated as "money."

MAIDSTONE.—It is said that the fashion of guzzling and debauchery is not a concomitant of elections here ; but thatthe business of the na- tion, as far as it is intrusted to the electors, is done after 'a less barbarous fashion. Their charge on their representatives iSfn Iliad specie, or its civilized representative, bank-notes. ,

ROCHESTER.—The electors have not reached the same point of im- provement which Maidstone -has attained. - They are little better than the Canterbury patriots. At the last election, there were four candi- dates; one of them, a Tory, after a few days bolted, leaving Church, State, and publicans in utter dismay. A second, for eight-and-forty hours' amusement, paid 1200/. The Government candidate, Lord LIERS, paid 23001.; and. the favourite candidate, Mr. BERNAL, 4000/. One of the parties paid. 1201. for a supper to a few freemen from London. In another case the quantity of spirits charged • by one pub- lican exceeded the whole yearly stock, as appeared by time inspection of the Excise-officer's books. Some of the London Voters would not vote without the advice and presence of their London friends and relatives, who Were' of course, brought down along with them-at the candidate's expense : having arrived, their scruples Would not &IOW them to vote until the last moment.- They were therefore to be brought down, main- , tained, and sent back, at the candidate's charge; so that the vote of a single worthy and independent freeman might be valued, in some cases, at 1001.