15 JANUARY 1831, Page 8


The Company's ships Thomas Coutts, and Duchess Of Athole, arrived at China on the 26th July, and the William Fainie on the 4th Aug. They were lying in Toonkoo Bay, waiting for instructions by the Canning from London. The following Company's ships have arrived at Singapore on their voyage to China : Aug. 14th, Abercrombie, Robinson; and 15th, Edinburgh, from London and Bombay ; 16th, Dunira, from London and Bengal; 20th, Sir D. Scott, from London —to stop a leak ; 22nd, illacqueen, from London and Bengal; 23rd, Berwickshire, front London and Bombay ; '24th, Orwell, from London, St. Helena, and Bombay ; list, General Harris; Sept. 3rd, Reliance, from London and Bengal' 6th, Londoa ; 10th, Castle, Handy, from London and Madras ; 19th, Marquis Camden, from London and St. Helena; and '27th, Ann and Amelia, from London. In addition to our former lists, the following Company's outward-bound China- men arrived at Aujier, on the Stlq Aug. Lord Luwther ; Cunning; and Earl Bal. carres—all from London.

Arrived. Off Dartmouth, Jan, 11, George Canning, Ridley. from Singapore. At Liverpool. Jan. 9, Nandi, Hawkins, from Bengal. At Dublin, Jan. II, Ann, Doig, from the Cape. Off Wicklow, Ian. 9, Bahamian, Weaver, from Bengal for Liverpool. At St. Helena, Minerva, Metcalfe ; and Fortune, Gilkison, from Bom- bay ; Alexander, Anderson, from Bengal ; and George Home, Steel, from Bengal and Mauritius. At the Cape, Oct. 26, Capricorn, Smith ; and 97th, Morning Star, Adler, from London ; 28th, Drummore, Petrie, from Leith; 30th, Zcnobia, Owen; 31st, Sir E. Paget, Bouchier; and Burrel, Metcalfe ; Nov. 1, Edward, Heaviside; and Integrity, Ord; 2nd, Mary, Beachcroft; 9th, Gambia, Ireland; and 5th, Rutland, Headley—all from London; 6th, Ada, Foster, from Bristol ; and Duke of Lancaster, Hannay, from Bengal. • At Madras, Lord William Dentinck, Hutch- inson, from London. At Bengal, August 28, Ripley, Hesse, from LiverpooL At Singapore, August 14, Agnes, Afellors, from Liverpool; and Sept. 11, Corsair, Ros binson, from London. Sailed. From Gravesend, January 11th, Salus, Crickmay, for the Cape; and Minerva, Anderson, for Bengal. From Liverpool. January 10th, Ribble, Beckman, for Batavia ; 19th, Lord Eldon, Dawson, for Bengal.

Spoken. Alfred, from London to Madras, 25 south, 9 west. David Scott, from London to Bengal, 37 smith, 4 west.