15 JANUARY 1831, Page 8


STOCK EXCHANGE, SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK.—ThiS week has passed here with comparatively few transactions, and little or no interest ; which is the more remarkable as tl:e Dieidendsure now in course of payment. Consols are open for transfer, and the selling day is close at hand.

The lowest price of the week of Consols, Dividend included, was 821, the highest 83, and the present 82/. This tranquillity is not, however, the result of confidence, but of doubt in the minds of the speculators, who are at a loss which way to act ; but it is certain, front the scarcity of Stock, that the public do not sell. Money abundant. ; • In the Foreign Market, prices ore, generally, ffigher—Russian being about 9I; Brazilian 59; Dauish 591 ; but there is very Little business. Spanish is steady at about 16.

Bank Stock .... 1981 91 3 per Cent. Red. 82 811 3 per Cent. Cons. 813 35 per Cent. New 90/ Consols for Acct. S21 / Long Annuities 175-16 I Ex. Bills, 10001. 34 33 India Bonds .... 16 Brazilian.... .. 64

Buenos Ayres... —

Chilian IS 19 Colombian ..... 17 18 Danish—. • • .. 59k 60 Greek....... .. — Mexican ....... 331 34 Peruvian ....... 14 15 Portuguese ..... 40 41

Russian .. 90/ 91} Spanish.. . •. .• 183 161i Ditto, New


Bolanos 165 170 Brazilian . 611 62/ Columbian ... . 6 7 Anglo Mexican 29 30 United Mexican 10/ 11