15 JANUARY 1853, Page 17


TuesdaY, January 11.

PAIITNERSHIPS Dissmaren.-Mumford and Son, Adams Court, Old Broad Street, share-brokers-Hughes and Co. Dublin, dealers in earthenware-Cooper and Howlet, Congleton, attornies-Williams and Co. Houghton Regis, coal-merchants-Edge and Co. Birmingham, jewellers; as far as regards T. Edge-- Fairbrother and Tanner, Ban- bury, linen-drapers-Griffiths and Blake, Newport, Isle of Wight, attornies-Hutch- ingson and Needham, Liverpool, coal-merchants-Kilner and Co. Halifax, stuff- manufacturers-Mann and Co. Liverpool, brokers-Armitage and Co. Barnsley, tailors-Carvers and Brierley, Cleckheaton, Yorkshire, card-setting-makers-Brooke and Greaves, Dewsbury, coalmasters-Johnson and Co. Church Bridge, Staffordshire, manufacturing-chemists-Hamilton and Fowles, Sunderland, coal-fitters -Eglinton and Co. Calcutta ; as far as regards IL. Eglinton and R. II. Hunter-Neame and Green, Canterbury, tea-dealers-Hinchliffe and Co. Huddersfield, proprietors of the Huddersfield and Holwfwth Examiner newspaper- Wilkinson and Co. owners of steam-vessels and carriers between Lincoln and Boston-Foster and Co. Mansfield, lace-manufacturers; as far as regards H. Furniss-Kirk and Shuttlewood, Sileby, Leicestershire, hosiers-Bushby and Jennings, Moreton-in-the-Marsh, Gloucester- shire, woollen-drapers-Cottle and Doogood, Cheltenham, pltuubera-E. and J. Gray, Tanneld, Durham, brewers-Willis and Co. Grenville Street, Brunswick Square-Syddall and Co. Farnworth, Lancashire, spindle-makers ; as far as regards W. Rushton-Dakin and Waterhouse, St. Paul's Churchyard, tea-dealers-Popple- well and Lea, Union Court, Old Broad Street, clothiers-Hooper and Co. Exeter, lime-burners-Baker and Co. Gresham Street, silk-printers ; as for as regards J. Tucker-Allnutts and Arbouin, Mark Lane, wine-merchants; as far as regards J. Arbouin-Bemhridge and Haynes, Birmingham, saddlers' ironmongers-8. and B. Foster, Nottingham, drapers-Kay and Co. Sunderland, grocers-Lees and Barnes, Oldham, machine-makers-Chambers and Co. Dublin, Itsavenores.-Witaran Ijzreny Rawtmos, Brotvnlow Street, Holborn, builder, to surrender Jan. 20, Feb. 26: solicitor, Dodd, Basinghall Street; official assignee, Pennell, ;Guildhall Chambers-EDWARD Bonny, Kest Coker, Somersetshire,

Jan. 19. Feb. 1.5: solicitors, Batten, Yeovil; Stogdon, Exeter; official assignee, Hirtael, Exeter.

Drvinesnia-Feb. 1, Harris, Liverpool, pawnbroker-Feb. 2, Witty, Louth, draper -Feb. 2, Brown, Hull, flax-spinner. •

CHRTIFICATES.-To be granted, unless cause be Amen to the contrary, on the day of weeting.-Feb. 4, Davy, Parker Street, Drury Lane, coach-wheelwright-Feb. 4, Fell, hew Street, New Road, builder-Feb. 2, Wheatley. Creamer Place, Waterloo Bridge Road, lighterman-Feb. 2, Gazley, King's Lynn, carpenter. DECLARATIONs OP Drrmerms.- Scott and Thompson, Upper Ground Street, iron- founders ; first div. of 4s. ti/d. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Barns- dall, Nottingham, timber-merchant; first div. of lind. Jan. 13 and 14; Bittleston, N ettingham- Cullen, Nottingham, grocer ; second div. of tsid. Jan. 13 and 14; little- sten, Nottingham-Higginbothate, Macclesfield, silk-manufacturer; first div. of 2s. 6d. any Tuesday; Lee, Manchester-Parker, Goosnargh-with-Newsham, Lanca- shire, innkeeper ; second div. of 7s. l'jd. any Tuesday; Lee, Alanchestar-Crook, Preston, manufacturer; first div. of 8s. 3d. any Tuesday; Lee, Manchester-Lucas and Co. Manchester, calico-printers; final div. of 6$. any Tuesday ; Lee, Manchester -Meadowcroft, Rochdale, cotton-spinner ; first div. of 10s. 5d. and a first div. of lie. 4jd. as the surviving partner of J. Butterworth, any Tuesday ; Lee, Manchester --Stocks, Huddersfield, draper ; first div. of Is. 44. any Thursday ; Freeman, Leeds -Stafford, Sheffield, painter ; first div. of Is. 84. any Monday ; Freeman, Sheffield. SCOTCH SE414ESTRATIONS.-Pringle, Ediuburgh, draper, Jan. 17, Feb. 7-Dewar, Glasgow, wine-dealer, Jan. 17, Feb. 7-Leven, Edinburgh, writer to the signet, Jan. 17, Feb. 7-Orr and Co. Glasgow, warehousemen, Jan. 17, Feb. 7.

Friday, January 14. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Sudlow junior and Gunnell, Great George Street, Westminster, Parliamentary-aaents--Bramley and Derbyshire, Old Accrington, Lancaster, iron-founders-Matthews and Chamberlain, Worcester, dealers in Berlin wool-Sainsbury and Saunders, Devizes, wharfingers-Roberts and Matthews, Lei- cester, frame-smiths-Horton and Marsh. Leeds, surgeons -Catling and Co. Mark Lane, corn-factors • as far as regards II. Chittenden-Handford and Co. Birming- ham, lace-manufaoLers- C. and II. Bontoft, Boston, stationers-Waddington and Sons, Coleman Street, umbrella-manufacturers; as far as regards R. E. Waddington -Bayley and Cole, Canterbury, linen-drapers-W. H. and J. Little, Brighton Platte, Hackney Road, timber-merchants-Stephens and Crane, Cross Street, Islington, leather-sellers-Perrens and Wakefield, Stourbridgc, roill-wrights-Foster and Soholes, Huddersfield, joiners-Dearden and Son, Leeds, painters-J. and G. Hods- kinson, Chesterfield, wine-merchants-Hecht, Brothers, Seething Lane, merchants; as- far as regards N. Ifecht-Hall and Maltby, Bradford, painters-Chapman and Ilansell, Norwich, attomies-Brooks and Whalley, Gray's Inn Square, attornies- Archer and Pryke, Braintree, tailors- J. and T. Cordeux, Barnsley, Yorkshire, linen-manufacturers-J. and .1. Bancroft, Ashton-under-Lyne, cotton-spinners-Ash- ton and Brother, Werneth. Cheshire, cotton-spinners-Booth and Co. Liverpool, merchants-Stow and Co. Leeds, merchants; as far as regards D. Stow-Chambers and Co. Dublin.

Barrent:Prs.-Geonce Basusarre COSTERTON, Great Yarmouth, merchant, to sur- render Jan. 24, Feb. 24: solicitors, Bell and Co. Bow Churchyard ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street-Joan LOCKTEB, Clerkenwell Green, metal-warehouse- man., Jan. 24, Feb. 24: solicitor, Pearce, Giltspur Street ; official assignee, Johnson, Bisuighall Street-BEN/AMIN JAMES and THOMAS GIRDWOOD HARDIE, Newport, Monmouthshire, builders, Jan. 26, Feb. 23: solicitors, Bachelor, Newport ; Bevan, Bristol ; official assignee, Hutton, Bristol-Jona PlillUE, Plymouth, confectioner, Jan. 20, Feb. 17: solicitor, Elworthy, Plymouth ; official assignee, Hernaman, Exeter.

Drvantens.-Feb. 5, Morse, Banbury, wool-stapler-Feb. 4, Hodsoll,'South Ash, Kent, farmer-Feb. 8, Pike, Reading, tobacconist-Feb. 8, Cole, Robert Street, Liroehouse, victualler-Feb. 4, Webb, Oxford, apothecary-Feb. 8, Ritherdon, Mill Wall, Poplar, ship-builder-Feb. 4, Dobson, High Holborn, mathematical-drawing- instrument-maker-Feb. 4, Cherrill, Ramsgate, cabinet-maker-Feb. 5, Wra,gge, Stourbridge, banker-Feb. 12, Shaw, Birmingham, stationer-Feb. 7, Bailey„Burs- lem, boot-maker-Feb. 4, Jones, Chester, grocer-Feb. 4, Warren, Macclesfield, silk-dyer.

Ciarrirmeris.-To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of weeting.-Feb. 4, Green, Harrow Road, builder-Feb. 5, Osborne, Leigh, Essex, butcher-Feb. 9, Hastings, Cheltenham, grocer-Feb. 8, King, Stonehouse, Glou- cestershire, mesh:nen-Feb. 4, Longson, Heaton Norris, Lancashire, joiner. DEcLARAT1ONS OP DIVIDENDS.-Boyce sen. Dover, hotel-keeper; first div. of Si. 3d. Jan. 15, and three subsequent Saturdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court-lucks, Mill Pond Bridge, Rotherhithe, cooper; first div. of Ild. Jan. 15, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Lons„Vere Street, Oxford Street, importer of foreign lace; second div., of Is. lid. on Saturday next, and three subsequent Sa- turdays; Groom, Abehurch Lane-Lamplugh, Great Driffield, Yorkshire, grocer; first div. of la. 6d. any Tuesday ; Carrick, liull-Perritt, Hull, scrivener; third div. of Is. 6d. any Tuesday ; Carrick, hull-Beach, Bradford, apothecary; second die. of Ii. any day ; Young, Leeds-Hunter, Swansea, linen-draper ; first div of Is. 64. any Wednesday ; Miller, Bristol-Thomas, Shrewsbury, grocer ; first div. of Si. 4id. any Thursday ; Christie, Birmingham-Canning, Birmingham, draper ; first div. of Si. 74. any Thursday; Christie, Birmingham-Cooke' Worcester, cabinet-maker; div. of Land. being the first portion of a first div. of 98. any Thursday; Cluistie, Blueing-

ham-Smith, Liverpool, merchant ; first dif of31d. on the separate estate, any Mon- : day; Bird, Liverpool.

Sartcas effinuaerasesents.-Hamilton, Edinburgh, wood-merchant, Jan. 21, Feb. -Henderson, Dunfermline, bookseller, Jan. 19, Feb. 9,