15 JANUARY 1859, Page 10

The Court of Queen's Bench has granted a rule calling

Mr. Vincent i

Scully to show cause why the verdict found in his favour n the case of Scully versus Ingram, should not be set aside, and a new trial be had.

A poor servant girl, out of place, was found wandering by the police in the streets. A constable took her to the St. Pancras Workhouse. Admis- sion was refused because she did not in her application say she was "destitute." She was also refused admission to Clerkenwell Workhouse. The constable then locked her up on a formal charge, in order to give her shelter. The next day the Clerkenwell Magistrate called upon the Master of the St. Pancras Workhouse to explain. He could explain nothing. Mr. Tyrwhitt, said he desired, in the "roughest terms," to express his in- dignation at the conduct of the parish authorities of St. Pancras.