15 JANUARY 1881, Page 3

The memorial to the Archbishop of Cauterbury in favour of

a " policy of tolerance and forbearance in dealing with questions of Ritual," to which we drew attention last week, has been published, with a long list of most influential signatures by Churchmen of all parties,—High, Broad, and even on or beyond the verge of Low Church. Dr. Church, Dean of St. Paul's, is followed by Dr. Lake, Dean of Durham ; Dr. Cowie, Dean of Manchester; Lord Alwyne Compton, Dean of Worcester ; Dr. Cast, Dean of York ; and a number of Archdeacons, Canons, and eminent Vicars and Rectors. We fully hope to find the Archbishop willing to comply with the prayer of the memorial. Dr. Tait is aware by this time that the Public Worship Regula- tion Act was a serious mistake, and he is far too mach of a statesman not to wish to repair the one serious error of his archiepiscopate, while there is time. The deprivation of Mr. De la Bere will not be in vain, if it leads our prelates to see whither the foolish policy of 1874 is leading us.