15 JANUARY 1910, Page 26

Some annual volumes may be mentioned together. Nisbet's Church Directory

and Almanac (J. Nisbet and Co., 2s. net) is a very convenient volume. It is furnished with an almanac and with some. interesting notes on Church matters.—The Scottish Church and University Almanac, 1910. (Macniven and Wallace. la. net.)—A/1 the Presbyterian Churches in Scotland, as well as the Episcopal and Congregational, are included; so is the Presbyterian Church of England, and the similar bodies in Ireland. The Free Church of Scotland, as distinguished from the United Free, has sixty-sir charges occupied and ninety-seven vacant.--77se Official Year- Book of the Scientific and Learned Societies of Great Britain and Ireland. Compiled from Official Sources. (C. Griffin and Co. 7s. 6d.)—Mathieson's Handbook for Investors. (Effingham Wilson. 2s. 6d. net.)—The Englishwoman's Year-Book. Edited by G. E. Mitten. (A. and C. Black. 2s. 6d. net.)—Intended tc help in the "renaissance of woman." It gives copious inform& tion about the occupations and employments, professional or other, of women, about the educational advantages open to them, about their amusements, and many other matters. Details are supplied of the suffrage movement, the various societies being described.— The Writers' and Artists' Year-Book (same publishers, Is. net) is intended to help in the obtaining of employment. " Success," we read, "comes through discernment in the correct placing of a MS. as much as from the ability shown in writing it." Is not "as much" something of an overstatement P—The Farm and Home Year-Book (17 Purnival Street, E.C., ls.) is a "Practical Guide to the Farmer and Stook-Keeper."—The Church, Pulpit Year-Book (J. Nisbet and Co., 2s.) supplies sermons (between one hundred and thirty and one hundred and forty in number) for all the Sundays and chief festivals and fasts of the year.