15 JANUARY 1965, Page 13

John Bull's Six Counties

SIR,- -Dr. Gregory-Simms is mistaken in his view that the Safeguarding of Employment Aot, 1947 (there is no Control of Employment Act), militates against the native population. The reverse is true. This Act does not apply to any person born in Northern Ireland, whether. Protestant or Roman Catholic. In general it makes it necessary for anyone coming from Great Britain, Eire or elsewhere to obtain a work permit from the Ministry before he is employed in Northern Ireland. Such permits are not usually given in cases where Northern Ireland citizens are available to do the work. The high rate of unemployment in Northern Ireland as compared with that existing elsewhere in the United Kingdom is the justification for this measure. It exists as a safeguard for the people of Northern Ireland.

To say that a Pakistani 'has a better chance of securing a labouring job in Northern Ireland' than has someone from the Republic, is simply not true. S. KNOX CUNNINGHAM House of Commons, SWI