15 JANUARY 1983, Page 7

MR JOHN PILGER In March John Pilger wrote an article

in the Daily Mirror describing child slavery in Thailand. The Spectator agrees that the exploitation of children in Thailand is a serious problem. Mr Pilger highlighted his article with the case of a child for whom he paid £85. The Spec- tator believes that, in this case, Mr Pilger was the unwitting victim of a hoax. Mr Pilger does not believe he was hoaxed.

In June John Pilger issued writs against the Spectator and Auberon Waugh following an article by Mr Waugh on the case. Pilger believed that Mr Waugh had accused him of fabricating the story. Mr Waugh has consistently maintained that he did no such thing.

Mr Pilger, Mr Waugh and the Spectator have now agreed that a libel action in the High Court is not the best way of settl- ing this disagreement; only the lawyers would benefit.

So they have agreed to differ. The Spectator and Mr Waugh are glad to repeat that they have never intended to suggest that Pilger fabricated the story he used to highlight the grave abuse of child labour in Thailand, and there the parties have decided the matter will rest.