15 JANUARY 2000, Page 24

Diana mystery

From Mr Michael Cole Sir: In yet another attempt to promote sales of his flat tyre of a book about the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, Martyn Gregory utters a number of falsehoods, including a couple about me ('How Fayed is paying for his Diana lies', 8 January).

During the all-too-brief relationship between the Princess and Dodi Fayed, I did not tip off any member of the media at any time about their whereabouts, movements, plans or activities, and for Mr Gregory to suggest otherwise is despicable. I did not brief the publicist Max Clifford and, unless he can show evidence to the contrary, Mr Gregory should withdraw the allegation.

Mr Gregory never met or spoke to Dodi. He did not know the Princess and, as she never discussed her plans with him, his speculation 'about the possible outcome of her relationship with Dodi has no place in The Spectator, though it might pass muster in the Sunday Sport.

So anxious is Mr Gregory to attack Mohamed Al Fayed that he forgets that the Princess herself predicted more than once that she would not meet a natural death: 'One day I shall go up in a helicopter and I won't come down.'

Every January, under the 30-year rule, stories emerge from old Cabinet minutes which would have been denied outright if anyone had suggested their truth at the time. So it will be in this case, and anyone who thinks otherwise probably still believes that President Kennedy was assassinated by a single gunman acting alone.

If, in these unprecedented circumstances, the Prime Minister were to stand at the Despatch Box and state that the security services were not involved in the events in Paris at the end of August 1997, I might believe him; but I shall not hold my breath awaiting that day and that assurance.

Michael Cole

3 Stanhope Mews East, London SW7