15 JULY 1837, Page 7

ebe ifirtropalto.

The Protestant Dissenters of the Three Denominations, whose mi-

nisters bold their conferences at Dr. Williams's Library in Redcross Street, have unanimously resolved to address the Queen upon her ac- cession to the Throne. It is the privilege of the ministers of this important body to have an audience of the Sovereign ; and we under- stand that upwards of one hundred of therm are expected to form the deputation upon this interesting occasion. George the Third was ac- customed to receive the ministers of Dissenting chapels with marked attention; his condescension well nigh turned the beads of Dr. Rees and others.— True Sun.

At a special general Court of the East India Company, on Wednese day, an address of condolence and congratulation was voted to the Queen, and an address of condolence to the Queen Dowager.

A numerous meeting was held at Exeter Hall, on Tuesday, to con- sider the actual state of the Negro population in the West Indies. The Duke of Sussex took the chair, and was received with enthusiastic cheering. The Reverend John Burnett, and a gentleman from Bir- mingham who had lately visited the colonies, made statements which produced a strong impression on the auditory, tending to show that the negro apprentices were subject to quite as much cruelty and hardship as when they were slaves. The advantage of requiring pledges from Parliamentary candidates to effect an actual and Genii fide suppressions of slavery in our colonies, was insisted upon by several of the speakers.

After the meeting was over, an attempt was made by some bigots, not over honest, to gain subscriptions to a petition for the exclusion of Roman Catholics from Parliament, under the pretence that it was an anti-slavery petition. The trick was discovered, and strongly repre- hended, by the venerable William Allen. The friends and subscribers of the Christ Church Charity School dined on Monday, at the Bridgehouse Tavern, Southwark ; Mr. Hawes, M. P., in the chair. The children, ISO in number, are clothed and instructed ; and when introduced to the company, every one pre- sent was delighted with their orderly demeanour and comfortable ap- pearance. They were appropriately addressed by the Chairman. This meeting derived unusual interest from the public reconciliation which took place between the Member for Lambeth and the Reverend J. H. 1%Itspleton, the Rector of Christ Church. —True Sun.

On Wednesday, the Lord Mayor entertained the Duke of Welling- ton and the members of rite committee appointed to conduct the erec- tion of the Wellington statue at the Mansionitouse. The Duke was warmly cheered both on his arrival and departure by the assembled crowd.

A Church-rate struggle in South Hackney was terminated on Sa- turday, in favour of the rate; the numbers being 1176 and 138. This result is owing to some individuals having a plurality of votes. The majority of voters were adverse to the rate.

The Directors of the London and Birmingham Railway entertained a large party on Thursday, with a ride on the railway from the station, Euston Grove, to Box Moor. Lord Sandon, Lord Bexley, Lord Hatherton, Mr. Dudley Rider, Sir John Rae Reid, and a Mr. Camp- bell, were among the company. The carriages went at the rate of about twenty miles an hour ; and without accident till just at the close of the journey, when " through the awkward eagerness of a man who had the management of the first train, in conducting it to its termination, after it had been detached from the engine that it might arrive by the force of the remaining impetus, only assisted by its own gravity along an inclined plane, the checks were turned the wrong way, and the impetus, instead of being rapidly diminished, continued so strong as to push the front carriage against the wall of the receiving-house, which it broke through. The concussion threw Mr. Campbell and Sir John Reid off their seats against the opposite side of the vehicle, and they were stunned and scratched in the face. By the aid of restoratives, they were ena- bled to return home without surgical assistance."