15 JULY 1837, Page 8


At a recent meeting of the Trades Union in Dublin, Mr. O'C,ta nell delivered the following speech. It is more joyous than rule Mr. O'Connell's which we have read for some time : the great Agits for is himself again.

" The more reasonable and just Protestants are joining the side of justia; but the blockheads of Orangemen seem to forget that the Queen may live loog She is young, and will, I hope, outlive the best of them. How pliant they id become after a short time! At the next election, the names if voters 'cilia entered in a little dictionary ; and when any of them apply at the Castle ja places in the Police, the Water- Guards, or as Stipendiary .1Ingistrates,thit little book will be referred to ; and if their names :ire found at the wrong sidi one will be too short for the Police, another too tall for the Water Guards; ut as to the Stipendiary Magistrate, he will not do, as he cannot write his name (Laughter.) There are no human beings mote up to trap than the Drugs men. At the last election, they were going to Sir Henry Hardinge stub Castle, and congratulating him on the victory of Waterloo, and about putt* down the Papists. Next election, these fellows will be coming to myselfwid their How do you do, ;Mr. O'Connell.' I will just reply, Very well, I thug you.' ( Much laughter.) I have been talking to some dozen or two who mai against me at the last election, who feel astonished that it should be considan they were ever illiberal. One of them said to me, ' Sir, I was obliged to volt against you, because I owed money to a certain individual." Did he furgin you any of it?' I asked him. ' No, Sir, but lee promieed me indulgence : be when the election was over, he forced me to pay him—( Cheers furs' rend minutes)—hut, continued he, ' at the next election I will surely votes you.' They are dead beaten already. No, I don't think I can stand for Doi ( You inust.) Ah, don't press me. (Laughter.) That reminds aie once on a time when I was out on the mountains grousing ; there was one' fine boy came with me ; he found out some grouse, and after boggle& or six, 1 beckoned to the man who held the whisky.bottle, and desired hunts give the boy a little.' Ah, Sir,' said he, you would not persuade eta drink.' While talking, he contrived to toss it off. That is the way in whai I say to you—' Don't persuade me.' ( Continued laughter,) You are thick. ing what a pleasure it will be to beat those corporator% (An old woman the gallery devoutly observed ' Oh, that you may, I pray God.') Theysy pear to forget what the Duke of Wellington said a few days age, when he focal that the Queen had retained the Liberal Administration, and was surrounded by ladies of the most unquestionable honour, but of Whig connexions, when be saw the true commanding officer, though in petticoats, said there should bee end to corporate monopoly—the valiant Duke wheeled to the right about fact

and declared that the Corporations must positively be reformed next sesson

This is a fact that any corporator knows just as well as we do. They Will k be sure, be vapouring till the election commences ; but then, there will nom' be a man found to come forward as there is one at present under my hat. Tbs got plenty of money from the Carlton Club last election to put me out of Pe. liainent ; and they succeeded in depriving me of a seat for two days and pool

an evening. They spent 40,0001. then ; but I would be glad to know what such a sum would come from again. Hamilton is too knowing to spendlis money on such a speculation ; and as for ugly West, he will get in on no term I said at the General Association, the other day, thut it would be a shame fa

Dublin to seilbaueh an ugly fellow to Parliament, since we have got a Queeo- don't you think it would? (Roars of laughter.) What an opinion she would

have of the men of Dublin, if they had not a handsemer Representative the

Sow-West ! (Loud laughter.) He may say that I am growing old, and tits I have the ugliness of age ; but he cannot deny that I am a merry old fellotra

all event.. I will walk, run, wrestle, or throw the stone with West yet, wall all the difference of our ages. We are preparing merrily for the electioo, ssi we will carry it on merrily. I hope they will fight us, fur I would like to k

beating them again : and we will heat these, for I can tell you that we will hsa a majority of a thousand. Now, my friends, I have to tell you that I sa pledged to the people of Kilkenny to stand for that city. I hope to be retursei for Kilkenny ; for it will have this good result—when the Orange factiou see they cannot keep me out of Parliament, they have no longer a motive to harass me with petitions against my return. They may show their teeth, but they can't bite. I would- prefer that some other person stood with me for Dublin, and I think there is every prospect of getting a good candidate. I repeat, we are making an experiment. Let it be heard from the hustings—we ate for Re- peal if justice be not done to Ireland. I pledge myself to that, if justice is not bone; and my own opinion is that there is a faction in England too strong to let us obtain all we want ; but let not the blame be ours; let us act candidly, openly ; let there be no chicanery or double dealing on our side. When I was looking for Emancipation, they called me an agitator with ulterior views ; I stamped, and said I was as agitator with ulterior views. Emancipation alone would never answer me—it was only a means to an end. Lo, I now say, I am a Repealer. Out though I am, I am ready, especially under the government of our young Queen, to try again if justice can be done to Ireland by an United Parliament. If so, I shall, on any own part,' and that of the Union, give up Repeal ; but if not, I declare, in the presence of my congregated countrymen- 1 will not profane the sacred name of God by appealing to him, who knows the secrets of all hear is—but even in his awful presence I proclaim that I will not be deceived. I will not take half measures when we are entitled to twenty shil- lings in the pound. My countrymen, I will not take less ; and if we do not get it, why then, ' Hurrah fur old Ireland !'" (Loud and long. continued cheer- ing.)