15 JULY 1848, Page 11


&Meg Exestart0E, FRIDAY APTEattoon.

The English Stock Market has been gradually improving during the whole of the week; and today, during the settlement of the Consol Account, the price of Consols reached 87i, the highest recent quotation,—thus marking an improve- ment of nearly 1 per cent. Stock has gradually become scarce since Mooday ; and in the course of today the price for Money was higher than that for the August Account. As soon as the immediate demand was supplied, prices de- clined, and the last quotation for Account (August) is fin fr. Money is as abundant as ever; the rate of interest for short periods and that of discount for first-rate commercial bills being between 2,1. and 3 per cent. In the Foreign Market, prices are generally better; but no large amount of bu- siness has occurred, neither have the fluctuations been such as to require remark. There seems to be in some quarters a slight revival of trade; and we are informed that the price of iron, which had been very much depressed, has within these few days undergone a rather considerable advance. The operations upon our Exchange both on Tuesday and today, however, have been very limited, and the rates gene- rally more in favour of this country. An exception must be made in favour of that upon Paris, which, in consequence of a demand for bills, is rather lower. A meeting of Peruvian Bondholders., held on Tuesday, unanimously resolved to re- ject the propositions made on the part of the Peruvian Government for the con- version of its existing debt and overdue interest. The Railway. Shares are all in better request, and those of the principal lines are from U. to 21. higher. Great Western are again done at par. The report to• which we alluded in part of our last impression respecting the proposed issue of 7 per cent Preferential Shares by the Directors of the Caledonian Company is confirmed: these Shares are today about 11. higher than on Saturday. A sort of revival has occurred in the most current varieties of French Shares, which have been more in demand at slight improvements in price. The advance has been greatest in those of the Paris and Lyons line, which it is stated the Government

are about to purchase. -

The accounts of the Bank of England, for the week ending the 8th July exhibit when compared with those of the preceding week the following results- BANKINti DEPARTMENT. Increase. Decrease.

Rest Public Deposits Other Deposits Seven-day and other Bills Government Securities, including Dead-weight Other Securities- Notes unissued ' Actual Circulation ISSUE DEPARTMENT.

Notes issued Bullion Total Bullion in both Departments Actual Circulation £66,395

— £2,490,009 2,560,654



752,755 779,780



77/B week.

Last week.

14.367,993 14,418,253 18,368,865 17,581,085

SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK. The English Stock Market is steady, at the closing quotations of yesterday, with scarcely any business occurring ; the attention of members of the Stoek Exchange being occupied with the settlement of the differences arising out-of the Consol Account. The Foreign Funds are unchanged. The only transsetiantr as yet recorded in Railway Shares are the following: Boulogne and AmisneMi.

3 per Cent CousoLs Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 31 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Mils India Stock Brasilbui a per Cents Belgian 41 per Cents Buenos Ayres Claim 6 per Cents

871 i 871 1 874 i 871 I

t41 13-16 193 5

3949 prem.

1. 68 70 66 70 20 3 80 3 Danish 3 per Ceuta. Dutch 21 per Cents..ea. dlr Ditto 4 per Cents Mexlean 5 per Cents 1046 New Granada Portuguese N.4 perCents 1842 Portuguese Old 1824 Russian 5 per Cents Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents Ditto 3 per Cents 1542


9! i 00

65 '10 .448 al '69 71 471 19 la 17 IS 63 6 111 IR

051 .2 15 la Italian and Austrian, i.