15 JULY 1871, Page 18

The Unity of Italy. (New York : Putnam ; London

: Tritbner.)— This volume contains an account of a certain meeting held in New York last January to celebrate the completion of Italian unity by the occupation of Rome by the forces of the Italian Kingdom, this meeting being in a measure intended to protest against various assemblies which the Catholic party had collected to manifest sympathy with the Pope and support the Temporal Power. A number of distinguished people wrote letters to say that they should have boon glad to come t3 this meeting, but could not ; a few distinguished persons went to it and delivered speeches. Letters and speeches are hero printed ; printed also are a number of leading articles from the American Press. Tho only really noticeable thing in the book is the address of the Rev. H. W. Beecher, a very vigorous performance indeed, which it is refreshing to find among not a few pages of platitudes.