15 JULY 1899, Page 26

Scl1001.-BooKs.—Thucydides VII.: Selections. By E. C. Mer- chant, MA. (Macmillan

and Co. is. 6d.)—If Thucydides can be made available for the reading of junior forms, Mr. Merchant does it. His book may very well be made useful ; the questions are a valuable part ; but to read Thucydides with a vocabulary seems almost grotesque.—hracatday's Lays of Ancient Rome. Edited by Mark Grant Daniel. (E. Arnold.)—Specimens of Modern French Verse. Edited by H. E. Berthon. (Macmillan and Co. 2s. 6(L)—The authors chosen cover a century or more. We begin with Andr4 de CUnier, who began to publish in the early days of the Revolution, and was executed on July 25th, just two days before the fall of Robespierre; the latest is Jean Richelieu, who is just fifty. Nothing could be more useful than a good selection of modern verse. In French, above all other languages, it is essential to be familiar with what is modern. —Sequel to the Child's French Grammar. By Clara A. Fairfield. (Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh. 2s.)—El Si De Las Silica. Edited by J. D. M. Ford, Ph.D. (E. .Arnold.)—An Elementary Course of Mathematics. By H. S. Hall, M.A., and F. H. Stevens, M.A. (Macmillan and Co. 2s. 6d.)—Euclid III. and IV. Edited by Charles Smith, M.A., and Sophie Bryant, Sc.D. (Same pub- lishers.)—Plans Geometry. By G. A. Wentworth. (E. Arnold.)