15 JULY 1938, Page 21


Sm,—May we be allowed to bring before your readers the work of the London Poor Clergy Holiday Fund ? This fund, which was founded by Archbishop Maclagan, then Vicar

of Kensington, in 1876, gives grants for holidays to the poorer clergy in the Diocese of London, and also gives block grants for the same purpose to South London (Diocese of Southwark) and to London-over-the-Border (Diocese of Chelmsford).

Overworked and tired clergy and their wives sadly need a few weeks at the Country or Seaside. The fact that parishes are now understaffed, some of the clergy working single- handed, means harder work and increased weariness. The need for a time of rest and refreshing is therefore more urgent than in the past.

Donations may be sent to the Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, Prebendary Vincent, St. Martin's Church, Ludgate Hill, E.C.4, or to the Westminster Bank, 5 St. Paul's Church- yard, E.C.4.—We are, &c., ERNEST N. SHARPE, Archdeacon of London; S. H. PHILLIMORE, Archdeacon of Middlesex; C. E. LAMBERT, Archdeacon of Hampstead; G. HERBERT VINCENT, Prebendary of St. Paul's, Honorary Secretary and Treasurer.