15 JULY 1972, Page 26

Disillusion in country

Sir: Hugh Macpherson (July 8) says that battles of confidence are lost and won in Parliament before (my italics) they ripple out to the country at a different level of argument. I disagree.

Many of us in the country are subject to the control and direction of our superiors, both in peace and in war, and it does not take very long, perhaps six or twelve months, often less, for us to decide whether those in control are handling matters well or otherwise.

I could name at least twenty relatives, friends and acquaintances, not all Labour supporters and not all Welshmen, who decided some months ago that Mr Heath was going to be an almost unmitigated disaster. If this particular penny has only recently dropped at Westminster I can well believe how out of touch with reality and with public opinion many of its inhabitants can become.

N. E. Henry 29 Inglefield Avenue, Heath, Cardiff