15 JUNE 1833, Page 14

ANTICIPATION.—The People are entitled to hope that a House of

Commons, consisting of the men of their choice, will labour zealously, ably, and efficiently, for the public interest. If they are disappointed in the extent of the improve- ment, there had almost better have been no Reform at all. If the business of Parliament is conducted only a little better than it is at present—if profusion is only a little checked—if legislation is only a little more enlightened—if only a little more activity, and a little more deliberate attention, are bestowed upon the complicated interests of this vast empire—the disappointment will be deep, and the indignation bitter. The People will either be incited to tear in pieces a constitution which does them so little good, after all the mending bestowed upon it, or will sink into in- difference; and, not caring how they exercise a franchise so useless to them will allow every abuse of the old system again to take root and flourish as rani: as ever. Now, there will, we fear, be some disappointment. Unreasonable ex- pectations are formed, which cannot be realized ; and many will grumble be- cause the Reformed Parliament cannot cure evils which are beyond the reach of legislation. The only way to prevent this kind of disappointment, is to make it be generally. understood what are, and what are not, the maladies of the State, which our legislators can mitigate or cure.— Working of the House of Com. mono, p. 1. (Published as a Supplement with the Spectator, about nine months ago, namely, on the 28th September 1.832.)